[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 1 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Yes in this post I was referring to the provincial party. The article is about the provincial premier after all.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 12 points 1 day ago

I apologize. I wasn’t clear with my post.

I’m talking about the provincial NDP in regards to their strategy for our provincial election to get this flaming cunt out of office.

Federally, which I rarely ever vote in cause ‘Berta, I’ll be holding my nose and voting Liberal.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 22 points 1 day ago

If the NDP plays this right and doesn’t get too vocal too soon, they might have a shot at disturbing enough shit when the time is right. My god I hope they can get properly organized and do this right.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 4 points 2 days ago

Thank you for using tonne ❤️❤️❤️

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

You gotta put these bars on records.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee -1 points 3 days ago

Forgive my ignorance, but can the charter of rights and freedoms be amended?

I am an anti-theist, and would love nothing more than to ban all public displays of all religions.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

Such a refreshing, rational, nuanced take.

I wish there was more of you.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

Man, those conservatives would be big mad if they could read.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 9 points 3 days ago

Eliminate tax free status of ALL religions. Fine and charge all public displays of religion that are outside of their own properties, be it private or congregations. So sick and tired of seeing our laws bend to include or exclude religions. It’s a wonder that after 3000 some years that the Abrahamics still have this much pull.

[-] rex_meatman@lemm.ee 9 points 4 days ago

Can’t we just harvest the states that want to leave?


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