I drove 2 hybrids until I got an EV. Will never go back. Concerns about EVs melt away once you've driven one. Charging is less of a hassle than you think.
Only 3 billion short
So ceiling is 30% and with Trump present his ceiling is 4%.
I like the term representative democracy because it implies that politicians should represent their constituents. Getting elected is not a license to vote your personal opinion - it’s to represent every one of your constituents. So if you get elected by one vote margin, you should vote in the middle. I know that’s not reality but it should be.
Go back to Reddit. I read through your post and you are a snowflake. I believe you’re looking for an echo chamber, which hopefully will not be found here.
In the history of capitalism, the only way that a paid service has become successful over a free service has been to create greater value. GM software engineers vs Apple and Android software engineers? Everyone can see where this is going.
Some routers don't like iCloud Private Relay as it is a privacy measure. I have gotten notifications from some wireless networks that internet access is not available via iCloud Private Relay. I tell those networks (that want to track my every move) to fuck themselves.
At this point, we might as well vote in a supermajority for Republicans and let them cut Medicare/Medicaid/social Security by 100% and revel in the corporate profits. Isn’t that the primary goal?
I would love to see a coal rolling bicycle. You know, to own the libs.
The facts don't support your contention: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/debunking-the-myth-obamas_b_1929869
Thinly veiled thread from Russia to NATO. This “special military operation” is evolving into much worse.
What is your honest opinion - do you think the climate is not warming due to increased CO2 that humans are releasing into the atmosphere?