[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 1 points 1 month ago

I see. Disappointing but unsurprising. I guess you can only expect so much from yanks most of the time kitty-cri-potato

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 1 points 1 month ago

Tragic and pointless destruction of a hydroelectric dam (virtually zero emissions green energy). They could have just built a fish ladder.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 1 points 4 months ago

90% of the F series trucks I've seen have only ever hauled groceries.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 1 points 8 months ago

I remember this article was posted shortly after it was written months ago. Both then and now I still do not comprehend this part:

Why was it necessary to create a State of Israel instead of a plurinational and pluricultural free state of Palestine where Christians, Muslims and Jews could live together and be represented? This question cannot be answered, because the only answer betrays the ethnonationalist roots of Zionism: "We deserve to have a country just for us".

Therefore we see that Zionism is antisemitic, and it cannot be anything else.

I get that Zionism could be considered antisemetic because they don't think Jews should live in Europe, but if someone is able to elaborate on this more I'd appreciate it.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

To be fair, I have seen lots of yankees blame us for the wild fires lol.

But for real, a great deal of this is due massive budget cuts of firefighting services in Alberta.

Their government is insanely right wing. Literal anti-vaxx home schooled evangelical soccer mom is their premier.

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Didn't Dawkins himself turn into an anti-muslim lunatic? Not to mention Sam Harris of course.

Speaking of which, one of my favourite Zizek quotes is "People ask me why I support the death penalty. It's because Sam Harris is still alive." :che-laugh:

[-] sexywheat@hexbear.net 0 points 2 years ago

@LiberalSocialist you make some very valid points in this thread (although I did not have the wherewithal to read all 370 comments and counting). Overall I think you're correct but I do think it's important to criticise AOC and the rest of "The Squad" when they do reactionary shit like voting in support of funding neo-nazis in Ukraine (which AOC did), supplying weapons to Israel's apartheid state (which AOC also did) or, in this case, voting to legislate the railworkers back to work against their will without supporting their full demands.

She didn't have to vote for the strike-breaking bill (and it would have passed anyway), and the 7 days of paid sick leave is half of what the unions have demanded, so she's only doing some of what the unions have asked her to do.

I do agree, though, that it's important to vote in socialists whenever possible. We have no choice but to work with what we have for now, and constantly build and demand better and more.

AOC is probably not an actual socialist (as many in this thread will be quick to point out) but there's no denying that she has done a huge part in shifting the overton window substantially to the left in American politics.

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