Just a funny imposition of the Mediterranean Sea over the US
About ten years ago, I was gifted a consumer/toy level set of NVGs, and the were quite useful, even at that price point (~$100). Considering that was quite a while ago, they've hopefully gotten better
God, ghost mice was one of the worst folk punk bands at the time. And then Chris tried to do the whole Cairo IL revival, and then got outed as a sex pest. I didn't realize he wrote a song about JHJr, but there it is ("John and Jodie")
drinking raktajino on the swing shift
Toss up between Wilds and Spy
The "lekmod" version is civ5 is still updated, most recent update came out this month. It is an ongoing balance/expansion project to keep the core of the game the same for competitive multiplayer, but it balances social policies and limits overpowered civs. They're up to almost 100 civs to choose from. Vox Populi totally redesigns the game imo, whereas lekmod keeps the spirit of the game the same, but improved.
In BNW, at the skilled multiplayer level, it was always Tradition -> Rationalism. In lekmod, every opening policy tree is viable.
If you mean top right, it seems like that's the #1 pussy getter
The article mentions they were simultaneously lobbying for a harsher retail theft law
18 years meatless and counting
Like that SNL skit where Phil Hartman can't remember what his real voice sounds like, that is me after a day of toil in the customer service factory
Big fans of Chronicles of Riddick