Oh no!
(Apparently I'm too antisocial for FB)
Oh no!
(Apparently I'm too antisocial for FB)
Sheepdog trials. Though mostly it's about making things go through the gates.
I wonder how it'll do on cost... and regulatory progress in other countries.
Will be watching with interest.
The New Zealand government is working to make smoking great again, cancer be damned...
After all, cancer is a problem for another administration.
(Several of the elected will probably be against a vaccine anyway)
I played the hell out of Populous and Populous II back in the day... Including a fair bit of multiplayer too - running a link cable between Amigas in our flat.
I wonder if I'd enjoy an upscaled port today as much as I did then.
Two! Two bats!
(The actual bats don't look anything like these bats. This is just a tribute)
One day perhaps they'll be seen again more commonly as is now the case with tui and kererū in some areas.
At 8% they're probably going to outperform KiwiSaver... but maybe not savers of kiwi.
No no no... This, that, and those other ones...
Well. It's certainly close. Still looks a little tight.
Maybe the upcoming Samsung 57" 32:9 2160p will finally get us there...
If I see any other clones show up I'll add them to my private clone as remotes.
This way I can easily collate any updates they receive and, if they all start disappearing I'll be able to re-publish it somewhere anonymously.
Hopefully that provides another tricky target for take-down whack-a-mole.
I really must remember to book that appointm - ooh squirrel!