have you even seen the video of the thing that never happened?
seems pretty cool I bought and had to refund it because my Rx 570 was a potato for this game
and substituted with another racist tradition 🤗
elon musk cannot read for his life
Unannounced Bethesda games leak, including Dishonored 3 and a new Doom
University notes and general notes, is easier to type in a keyboard that in mobile. Also I tend to loose my phisical notes.
Dishonored 2 made that run fun, D1 was frustrating to not know things at the end of the mission
canada is so goals
Woah, you just justified that any conversation doesn't mean anything,congrats
loved the movie.When it finished i thought the cuantity of work and organization to make such a complex work of art must have come from overworking from someone at some point
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joined 4 years ago
I know spanish, but not a lot of argentinian politics but this article seems a little unhinged.
The accuser said the secret has been revealed by Milei himself in private dinners. It says that he went to israel to get in contact with the jew sect that made a tunnel below the sinagoge in NY not too long ago to get access to children.