[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago
[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 6 points 5 days ago

I love this series. I love how everyone is just vaguely described as humanoids with probably two legs and probably two eyes, but the humanistic aspects we ascribe to them come solely from their cutting speech and the cruel actions and customs they impose on one another.

Her dense writing style takes maybe 7 or 8 pages to get used to, and then after that you're just reeled in to this vast universe of identity politics, intrigue, and puppetry.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago

Those changes were heartily welcome; no other company that I know of has believed in Linux so strongly and so early on than RedHat. But if they were doing it all for financial reasons, (as any company would, as there was definite money to be made in a Windows alternative for enterprise systems), then either they were blind to the idea that they would empower any future competitors who could fork off their contributions, or deaf to the notion of what FOSS ultimately was and sought to undermine/control it in the long-run.

I'm bitter about RedHat because I wonder now if the second option was the plan all along.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

You can't jump on an already successful FOSS product, make large changes to it under an extremely copy-left license free for all to use, and then turn around and claim that people are stealing your lunch.

In the world of business where everyone claims to have bootstrapped their products out of thin air? Sure, use that Looney tunes logic.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 days ago

How is it taught out of interest? I feel like there are many lessons to learn from it, though mostly that none of us are above our baser nature when the situation is dire

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 21 points 6 days ago

They shifted to a paid subscription model and fucked over any goodwill they had. Yeah they were major contributors to open source, but we gave them clemency because we didn't think they'd position themselves to fuck us over so eagerly. Had we known, we wouldn't have made so many downstream distros from them.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 2 points 6 days ago

I play 20questions, and then get upset at the contradictions in my answers to others'


[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 4 points 6 days ago

Ah okay, IANAA - it was new to me

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 170 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The most non-intrusive foolproof method I can think of is spite-induced action:

  1. Get a pacemaker with Zigbee mesh network connectivity
  2. Implant a small device into your wrist that vibrates if your pacemaker is ever disconnected from the network (in which case, run NOW to your nearest safehouse)
  3. Should the vibration continue for longer than 5 minutes, a vial of cyanide from a hollow tooth explodes into your mouth allowing you to spit it at your nearest enemy (should one be around)
  4. The bursting of the hollow tooth sends a signal to a remote server, which triggers the eject command on a server, causing the CD tray to come out.
  5. A confused sysadmin will bitterly get off his chair, and go inspect the server, whereupon he will see the paper instructions embedded in the CD tray, and read them.
  6. Assuming his latvian is good, and that he's familiar with caesar cyphers, he will decode the message that will lead him to a youtube URL where he will post the following comment "Jose I slept with your mother."
  7. One of the subscribers to the youtube channel is your friend Jose, who will read the comment, spit out his coffee, and then immediately call you.
  8. After about a week of no response, he uploads the contents of that USB stick you gave him with the instructions to "never upload this ever under any circumstance" out of sheer spite.

Edit: Here, I made a diagram of the whole thing

State Diagram

spoiler (with mermaid source)

    direction TB
    state Internet {
        state "Wider Zigbee Network" as WiderZigbeeNetwork
        state "Youtube" as youtube{
            state "MuckBang
            <small>Wasabi Challenge</small>" as video1
            state "A Cat's Guide to Vomit
            <small>By Remington Steel</small>" as video2
        state "Remote Server" as server {
            state "Server
            <small>CD-Tray</small>" as cdtray
            state "SysAdmin
            <small>Some Latvian Dude</small>" as terry
        state "brazzers.org" as brazzers

    state People {
        state "Jose" as jose {
           state "Youtube Subscriptions" as subs
            state "Phone" as josephone
            state "Coffee" as cuppajoe
            state "USB Stick" as usb2
        state "You" as you {
            state "Pacemaker" as pmaker
            state "Wrist Implant" as wrimplant
            state "Hollow Tooth" as htooth
            state "USB Stick" as usb1
            state "Phone" as youphone
        state "Enemy" as enemy {
            state "Random Person" as rando

    [*] --> pmaker : Insert next to heart
    pmaker --> WiderZigbeeNetwork : Maintain connection
    WiderZigbeeNetwork --> wrimplant : Vibrate for 5 mins if connection lost
    wrimplant --> htooth: Explode after 5 mins vibrating

    htooth --> cdtray: Send "eject"
    htooth --> enemy: Spit cyanide
    cdtray --> terry : Decode the paper in the CD tray
    terry --> video1 : Comment about Jose's mother

    video1 --> subs : subscribed to
    video2 --> subs : subscribed to

    subs --> cuppajoe : Spit out when reading insulting comment
    cuppajoe --> usb2
    cuppajoe --> josephone

    usb1 --> usb2 : Years ago - Give USB stick with instructions to never upload
    josephone --> youphone : Call to complain but get no response
    usb2 --> brazzers : Upload USB contents out of spite


Dust. (lemmy.ml)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

I really want to buy a printer (resin or filament), but I'm concerned about the health aspects concerning inhaling the dust.

Is it really safe to have a printer indoors? Should I rig up something on my balcony instead? What room do you have yours in?

How do you guys deal with the dust? Do enclosures work? Any complaints from family members?

submitted 2 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Given how AI is already polluting the water of literary works, I'm likely never going to read a new book for quite some time, but will just pursue books before 2010.

Is 2010 a good cutoff?

submitted 2 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
  • Level 1: You don't recognise the word
  • Level 2: No one recognises the word
  • Level 3: The action the word describes no longer exists
submitted 2 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/unitedkingdom@feddit.uk

Main ones I can think of:

  1. Be attractive. If unattractive, at least be disabled in some way.
  2. Dress as skimpily as possible. Show legs at all time if female.
  3. Forget dancing, just throw your partner around. Get your face to her crotch at any opportune moment.
  4. Make really inappropriate comments to each other during the talking phase. Really sell the idea you're having an affair on live camera.
  5. Choose the shittiest pop songs you can find. Make sure it's not the original, but some shitty mock-soul cover.
  6. If a presenter, give off the impression of fighting a sickly illness. Anorexia is desired if possible.

Any other rules I'm missing?

submitted 3 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/unitedkingdom@feddit.uk
submitted 3 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I mean music videos that have nothing to do with the music and mostly just do their own thing and tell their own story.

An example --

Basement Jaxx's Red Alert seems to be about a meteor-worshiping cult awaiting the arrival of their rocky messiah in some unsuspecting greasy spoon cafe in the middle of nowhere.

Once the meteor crashes into Earth, everyone gets horribly mutated and convulses to the strange rays exhibited by the meteor. The infection seems to be localized entirely within the cafe. The End.

Edit: Please link to a video, or at least summarize the plot.

Edit2: Please actually link to a video, or tell me why the video plot is cool. Come on, it's just 30 seconds of your time.

submitted 3 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Any good open source projects that do this?

I've see MLC-LLM, but their last release was a year ago and it's not clear how their android app was made[0].

There's also MLLM, which has an impressive github demo page, but surprisingly few issues or contributers, also leaving to me to think it might not be real[1].

Does anyone have any local LLM providers on their phone that they trust?

One option of course is to run ollama through Termux, but I want a more appified experience.

0: https://github.com/mlc-ai/mlc-llm/tree/main/android

1: https://github.com/UbiquitousLearning/mllm

submitted 3 months ago by tetris11@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

At the end there's a lot of matching up going on, except for Fiona who is practically photoshopped into a gag image of Prince Charles.

I feel they did her character a big disrespect, as she was easily one of the more interesting female characters.

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 163 points 4 months ago

Workaround: Potato peeler extends peeler, so just cast your carrots as potatoes before you peel them, and then cast them back to carrot afterwards

[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 210 points 5 months ago


[-] tetris11@lemmy.ml 142 points 1 year ago

"Today here at Microsoft we are celebrating the legacy of the late Linus Torvalds by releasing a new kernel, re-written entirely in Golang using Copilot. No GPL code was touched, merely re-written, and we will offer ISOs to the coding community for free! Stay tuned for more updates, as we will be exclusively developing on this kernel going forward! This is a great day for open source!"

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