It's not the country of origin, it's the brand that matters
If he loves him, he does not want him to go to the Lakers
Oh no, I suffered 2 games (in the PO)
Street clothes is not used to play, now he's got his view
Welcome back guys, time to start populate this place
Is this the true? I mean, do those people moving made that much of a difference? I'm honestly curious
That would shake the east. I don't see yet NY as a contender with Embiid the first year, but they could sign someone valid to help then (no, no Harden...)
Assuming you're eating alone, play some quick show, like a brief podcast. Or try having less boring dishes so you enjoy them more
That is the right idea, I totally agree: it will encourage users and potential new users to join the discussion and bond
I can already picture Ye sporting a brand new NASA PRADA spacesuit in mid August, with like 40°C (104°F)
Well sure he's not that good. At playing water polo, obviously