Vegan bukkake
Assuming they were wearing a space suit, probably nothing very different from ordinary decomposition except the lack of insects
Lola bunny, creating an entire generation of furries.
I'm a Discord-using LGBT ally, and I don't know anybody who uses this (nor had I heard about it until now). You may be overestimating it's reach / appeal.
$1.8B is quite a chunk, and the EU is not shy about levying further fines if the behaviour continues.
Those are some weird looking titties
To continue that analogy, they're the pimp and you're the slut. You're the one getting shared around.
Based on OP's comments on this thread, I can only imagine what the modding of the community is going to look like
Westerners? I'm foreign-born Chinese, and you couldn't pay me to enter China. My anti-ccp sentiments combined with their sense of ownership of all Chinese people regardless of birth nation means I'm probably on a low priority list somewhere.
To be fair (and let's be clear, I hate Apple), they have a pretty good reputation for privacy pro-consumer. I'm sure that's a business decision, but still.
TBF it doesn't seem like they were against piracy per se, they just wanted to avoid potential liability. That said, I've still moved on to another instance.
If I understand it correctly, the 13 are not in good standing solely because they participated in the protests. So they are very much being penalised for their participation and nothing else.