[-] werewolf_nr@fig.systems 9 points 2 years ago

That was the spec sheet provided by the company, but without any backing info, testing, or engineering expertise. The more digging people have done on this submarine, the more of an absolute shit show it is.


It's really hard to put my thoughts about this this novella into a coherent form. Especially without spoilers.

Overall I liked it. It is thought provoking in ways I wasn't expecting.

If anything holds me back from an absolute recommendation is the prose. That it is a translation shows. 73 words in a sentence just doesn't work the same way in English as it does in some languages.

[-] werewolf_nr@fig.systems 7 points 2 years ago

So, what you're saying is that a Steam Controller is a better choice of diving equipment than the Logitech PlayStation knock off?

[-] werewolf_nr@fig.systems 6 points 2 years ago

Only the most optimistic guesses about their air suggest there is any left in it at this point. We're pretty much at the recovery phase.

[-] werewolf_nr@fig.systems 2 points 2 years ago

Bezos hates this! Save money with one simple trick.


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