I get that, but suppose you start a package on NPM named "bronk". Sometime later someone starts a company with that name. Should you just be forced to give up your package name, just because people suddenly associate the name with the company?
About the blocking attempts reagarding accuracy; here in the Netherlands the older analog meters could only measure real power. The reasoning is that the new smart meters don't do this, but instead measure in another way, causing consumers to also pay for reactive power. In reality, this isn't true, but the urban legend is strong.
The boots theory assumes that the price is related to the quality of the product. Today, this might not be the case.
In my experience this is because they confuse an 80% change of rain with 80% of the time it's gonna rain.
That's what I've heard. but also, the frequency of electricity in the USA is 60 Hz because Tesla found after experimentation that that's the frequency where you don't notice a lightbulb flickering anymore. Since the lightbulb flickers 120 times per second at 60 Hz, you could assume that a lower framerate than 120 fps is noticable.
Then why are CEO's even paying for it?
She was at least slightly less worse than Trump though.
I get eggs from our own chickens. Six chickens and a rooster. Hatched them myself, originally had two roosters. The other rooster went to a local petting zoo which had some hens, but their rooster had died.
By the way, six chickens lay a lot of eggs, more than a family of four eats.
Mind you, this book is considered one of Heinlein's worst. In my opinion Heilein was great SF writer, but under the surface there's always something off, which can be explained by his political views. This book has a high percentage of libertarian propaganda.
The one with the seven dwarves. Which opens up a lot of interesting casting choices.
Musk's mommy was the one.
About four years on average. I would go longer, but at that point the phones I buy tend to go buggy. I buy phones in the € 250 to € 300 range.