ITT: People becoming the very same pocket shirt, horseshoe-pattern baldness Cold War boomers screaming red-faced about Russia that their parents and grandparents were. Sad!
"I would have survived Generalplan Ost through demonstrating my superior hatred of the Russians! "
That reminded me of a Polish poem, though i forgot who wrote it, it goes something like that:
"Dziś nas straszycie komunistami, tak jak przed laty Straszono naszych ojców nazwiskiem demokraty"
"You scare us with communists, like in the old time our fathers were scared with the democrat name"
ITT: People becoming the very same pocket shirt, horseshoe-pattern baldness Cold War boomers screaming red-faced about Russia that their parents and grandparents were. Sad!
"I would have survived Generalplan Ost through demonstrating my superior hatred of the Russians!
That reminded me of a Polish poem, though i forgot who wrote it, it goes something like that:
"Dziś nas straszycie komunistami, tak jak przed laty
Straszono naszych ojców nazwiskiem demokraty"
"You scare us with communists, like in the old time
our fathers were scared with the democrat name"