this post was submitted on 26 Dec 2024
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Ye Power Trippin' Bastards
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You're doing exactly that. Nobody is talking about whatever else you're thinking about and it's irrelevant.
Pretty sure they’re taking about providing trans kids puberty blockers.
Ok, the rest of us aren't talking about that in this thread.
Not what the discussion in the thread was about and I'm pretty sure the original post wasn't either.
I’m talking about what ogmios was alluding to without ever coming out and saying. It’s a pretty common tactic with transphobes to equate supporting trans kids with letting children make adult decisions. Their “logic” is “if a fourteen year old can’t decide to fuck an adult they can’t possibly be responsible for knowing their gender doesn’t match what they were assigned at birth.”
Ah I see it now, the implication they made is disgusting and transphobic, and also is incredibly off-topic since these weren't issues that were being brought up here, as in their comment was transphobic and off-topic.
I'm not trying to discredit you though. I'm asking you to extend your reasonable assessment of this situation to other situations which people around here remain wilfully blind too.
You know where word be a good place to discuss those other issues? In posts about them. This isn't that. Go make some new content.
I'm sorry if you can't see why there's a connection between this guy arguing for exposing children to sexuality and the exposure of children to sexuality elsewhere, but a reasonable person should be able too.
Maybe I'm just dumb as fuck but what are you talking about?
You seem to be referencing a different issue but you never say what the issue is. People are downvoting you a lot so I guess other people know what you're referring to but I have no idea.
Why be so vague?
WTF is this supposed to mean?
Nobody is stopping kids from fucking each other
I think maybe they are one of those people who equates transgender hormone treatment and/or sex ed that includes information on homosexuality to sexual abuse, not sure what else this vagueposting would be about
It would seem they are most likely one of those TERF assholes who are anti-sex-ed and also violently against trans affirming care.