This should be framed
General rules:
Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the mods.
But what's it worth?
At least $100
At least $80
Best I can do is $50
Wow, the new president wasted no time reducing prices!
20 cents, take it or leave it
It's worth at least 101 dollars now
I need to make a profit, plus I pay rent. Furthermore I need to frame it and have somebody sandblast it and give it a gaudy coat of paint.
Best I can do is three fiddy
Ignoring inflation
Well PMG grading is like $30 a note so... $130?
That means it's worth at least $70. Sunk costs don't increase value.
Unless some tech bro pays 50k for the $100 nice boobie bill slabbed and authenticated.
I'll bet you could con a few million out of Elon for it.
Certainly. Value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
Value can also be a feeling of joy or happiness in the individual that beholds or experience something.
In which case the monetary value is the amount they're willing to pay or pass up to have/retain the experience.
The paw print on my railing on the porch from my cat stepping on the newly painted area is valued by me, it refreshes memories from her and makes me smile. None would pay for it, and if I repaint the porch the print will be over painted.
That does not make the print worthless while it exists
Sure, and how much would you pay/refuse to preserve it? If I offered $1k? Surely there's a number there.
The value to you is how much you're willing to pay/refuse. There's no absolute value for anything, but there is a maximum and an average.
What does pmg grading mean
Its similar to trading card grading if you're familiar with that. You send it out to the company who inspects it, gives it a score and then seals it in a hard plastic container.
pmgnotes.com on a score of 35:
E: spelling
PMG (Paper Money Guarantee) appraised and slabs paper notes like this. Same company that does cards and comics (CGC). Basically you pay them money and mail them your bills and a bunch of dudes in a dark room verify it's authenticity and grade it's condition. Niche collectors thing.
About tree fiddy. I'll show myself out.
At least 101 dollars
Every time someone tries to buy it, you give another 100 dollar bill and sell it to someone else
If you scammed every single person on Earth 50 times, you would still not be the richest person on Earth
You could be if you then sold courses on how to scam people