Path of Exile 1 development delayed indefinitely
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
I never said that I was owed another POE 1 expansion. I didn't say that I was owed anything. There's no "entitlement" here. I am not writing a "screed" for the devs. I said that the devs lied for profits. In November, they said give us money now and you'll get a POE 1 expansion in February. They took the money and then there's no planned expansion. That's just a recollection of events that happened.
I make posts on hexbear for my own interests. Path of Exile 1 was my favorite game ever. I have made many posts about Path of Exile 1 and Path of Exile 2. If the devs say that my favorite game is indefinitely put on halt, then I'm going to say that it upsets me. I explained why it upsets me. You are telling me that I'm not allowed to be upset. You are not allowed to police how I feel.
At no point have I said you're not allowed to feel upset. I admit I got curt with my last comment, but my points still stand - that in order to voice your disappointment, you've not only pulled in arguments about how the devs are lying (because they've moved back their initial plan of February, and then communicated that), but also arguments about whether POE2 'deserves' to be called Path of Exile, treated the game like it's stealing valour, and talked about how anyone who doesn't see things the way you see things are at best ill-informed and at worst ignorant about their own tastes. I haven't said anything about whether it's allowed to be your favourite game, nor have I said anything to 'police' how you feel beyond pointing out that while I understand being upset, maybe it's worth at least examining why all these peripheral points about other players comes into this for you.
It really follows the same line of thinking that seems to have become prevalent once again in the gamer space, that any time not spent on my particular thing is actively harmful to the thing I like - and not to put words into your mouth, but it really does feel like the end goal of an argument as presented here is that all the people who currently like POE2 decide one day 'oh POE2 isn't good', all move back to POE1, and GGG falls over and relents and POE2 is treated like some bad dream - which is also why I believe it's very 'Customer is always right' thinking. No other type of media gets this much push back or draws this much ire should something change between announcement and release, let alone a change that feels entirely reasonable, even if disappointing.
This is a link to join the POE1 Pohx Private league. It launched 2 hours ago and it will last for 60 days. A private league is a sandboxxed version of the game where you can only interact with other characters in the same private league. Pohx is a twitch streamer known for playing the skill Righteous Fire, a skill which will be added to POE 2 in the future. This private league has 18000 registered players, which is a pretty sizeable amount, though I think a typical poe 1 expansion launch has around 150,000.
Instead of arguing, I am inviting you to play POE 1 with active players and a fresh economy so that you can experience the game for yourself. If you don't know what to build to play, go to youtube and search "poe 3.25 lightning strike", "poe 3.25 righteous fire", "poe 3.25 archmage ice nova", "poe 3.25 hexblast mines", "poe 3.25 power siphon mines", "poe 3.25 holy relic", or "poe 3.25 bama". It is important that the video says 3.25 because builds from previous patches will not work.
Please try Path of Exile 1. Any in game purchases that you made in POE 2, such as stash tabs, are also accessible in POE 1.
Hey, look I don't want to argue either - but I do have to let you know at this point, I have played POE1, bounced off it multiple times, have completed the campaign but haven't gone back since. POE2 kind of is what's gotten me back to paying Path of Exile, and while I appreciate the invite I don't really think it's going to sway me in the way you believe it will. But still, appreciate the offer and understand where you're trying to come from - but again, it's the assumption that I haven't played something better being the only reason why I don't necessarily have the same views you do, which I think you can see has not been a fair assumption this entire time.