Well, that same younger brother is now married with 4 children, and is very anti-vac, saying it has cancer in it. Also, he thinks it is legal to shoot someone in self defense, which is illegal in Canada. You can't fix stupid sometimes.
Well, I’m not going to argue with anything except one thing, from talking to Canadians, my understanding is that while you don’t have a stand your ground or castle doctrine/law, it’s not illegal either. It seems to be very much case dependent and as a Canadian you’re expected to respond with “reasonable and proportional” force, which, is very subjective I guess? Idk, if you’re going to try to do it in Canada, you better be in your closet and the other person better be coming with a gun.
(a) they believe on reasonable grounds that force is being used against them or another person or that a threat of force is being made against them or another person;
(b) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of defending or protecting themselves or the other person from that use or threat of force; and
(c) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances.
If someone is trying to kill you and you have a gun, I think you'd have a strong defense for killing them. However, if they obviously don't have a deadly weapon, you'd have a much weaker defense.
Well, that same younger brother is now married with 4 children, and is very anti-vac, saying it has cancer in it. Also, he thinks it is legal to shoot someone in self defense, which is illegal in Canada. You can't fix stupid sometimes.
Well, I’m not going to argue with anything except one thing, from talking to Canadians, my understanding is that while you don’t have a stand your ground or castle doctrine/law, it’s not illegal either. It seems to be very much case dependent and as a Canadian you’re expected to respond with “reasonable and proportional” force, which, is very subjective I guess? Idk, if you’re going to try to do it in Canada, you better be in your closet and the other person better be coming with a gun.
The first part is idiotic, but the second is completely reasonable. Here's what the law states in Canada:
If someone is trying to kill you and you have a gun, I think you'd have a strong defense for killing them. However, if they obviously don't have a deadly weapon, you'd have a much weaker defense.