I have not been tested for ADHD but also have no reason to think I have it. I'm pretty sure anyone who is being distracted from the content of what they are reading has experienced what the OP is saying. I can't imagine why anyone would think this is strictly an ADHD thing. My coworker on the other hand has ADHD and he can read/listen to audio books without being distracted in a situation where I would be. Maybe everyone is just different.
I have not been tested for ADHD but also have no reason to think I have it. I'm pretty sure anyone who is being distracted from the content of what they are reading has experienced what the OP is saying. I can't imagine why anyone would think this is strictly an ADHD thing. My coworker on the other hand has ADHD and he can read/listen to audio books without being distracted in a situation where I would be. Maybe everyone is just different.