Ex-Sony Exec Says PC Ports of Old PS5 Games Are Almost Like Printing Money
For PC gaming news and discussion. PCGamingWiki
Good news! There's a community open source project to port the engine used in Jak and Daxter to PC.
Looks like the first two games are mostly playable, with their efforts focused on getting Jak 3 working now.
Turns out you don't actually need OpenGOAL to play the Jak series if you already have an emulator, but it's like playing the game as if it was actually ported to PC.
And I gotta say Jak 1 looks gorgeous.
I finally got it installed on my PC. The first one runs flawlessly, and I haven't tried Jak 2 yet.
I also got PCSX2 and the first three Sly Cooper games, Jak 3, Time Splitters, and Superman Returns. I think I'm gonna go and download a bunch of old PS2 games to play