Yeah, let’s see you write a new autoexec.bat file with whatever text editor came on a DOS3.2 floppy that’s infected the the Stoned virus after you stupidly deleted autoexec.bat from your 386 by going to the library and checking out some books.
Umm the rest of us has to write it own autoexec.bat, not because we were idiots that deleted stuff or got viruses, but to change the keyboard language and a few other things to have enough memory to play Doom.
And then put that autoexec.bat on a bootable floppy disk you needed to research how to make yourself, fucking around with EMS and XMS settings to have enough memory to play.
Figuring out how to get games to play as a teenager is what launched my career in IT.
Yeah, let’s see you write a new autoexec.bat file with whatever text editor came on a DOS3.2 floppy that’s infected the the Stoned virus after you stupidly deleted autoexec.bat from your 386 by going to the library and checking out some books.
Uh oh, your dad is going to beat your ass!
Umm the rest of us has to write it own autoexec.bat, not because we were idiots that deleted stuff or got viruses, but to change the keyboard language and a few other things to have enough memory to play Doom.
And then put that autoexec.bat on a bootable floppy disk you needed to research how to make yourself, fucking around with EMS and XMS settings to have enough memory to play.
Figuring out how to get games to play as a teenager is what launched my career in IT.
Oh man, I was there.... 3.000 yrs ago!
Don't forget config.sys! Who all here can get a Soundblaster working without disabling anything else? (IRQ 5 typically?)