Incels furious at TV show for accurately depicting incel culture
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
When the term was first coined, it was not an insult. It was from a support group for people who had trouble finding a partner.
The ultimate irony is that the first popular incel support community was started by a woman.
Also a great demonstration of how thin the wall between support group and cult is.
"I am Jack's self hatred directed at women."
Well, no. It got toxic because the people the group helped didn't need to go to the group anymore. So the only people left were the ones too toxic to find a partner which led to even more toxic people getting involved
Damn that's a pretty logical process to explain the decay of Internet self help groups
Yeah for an opposite example, I take part in a support group for a certain form of alternative relationships and you have the opposite pressures. People who are well respected in long lasting relationships stay, and people who can't make it work flit out fairly quickly. What this means is the advice is pretty good for those who listen to it.
Yeah, if you don't have a greater community surrounding the support one, there's just no reason for people to stick around once their problem is solved.