I sure as hell don't.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
There's the tiny problem of me not being American though.
Yeah. Dunno about elsewhere but while you can totally set up camp and do whatever, the local government here in Sweden will come with machinery and tear it down if you don’t have sufficient permits or own the land.
Hell even if you own the land there may be codes preventing you from setting up shelter without the right permits.
Du råkar inte vara från Halland eller?
Nope. Ursprungligen från Stockholm. Bott i Sörmland större delen mitt liv, flyttar till Östergötland om ett tag.
You did not specify that. So how was I supposed to know?
Ah yes. USA defaultism. Never fails to entertain.
You weren't. Don't assume that everyone lives in the US by default.
Life is based on assumptions. It's a good assumption to assume people online speaking English is from America
No, it is a terrible assumption. English is the de facto lingua franca (wow, four non-English words on a row) of the world, and specially on the Internet.