What does a PhD mean?
A place for majestic STEMLORD peacocking, as well as memes about the realities of working in a lab.
This is a science community. We use the Dawkins definition of meme.
The ratio is off. You learn a lot more from high school and bachelor's degree and you learn way less with your master. PhD is just expanding a little bit more on master.
The visual is more about highlighting specialization and its distance from the limit of human knowledge. You often can't represent every aspect of a complex subject at the same time on a single visual. Kinda like how you can't represent the solar system distances and planet sizes to scale on a single page, you have to pick one.
But it's all very basic knowledge.
Common knowledge would be more appropriate. It is known by many people, but it is not basic as in obvious. It took a long time to know what we learn in a very "basic" high school biology course.
And if you actually remember half of what you learned in that course a decade later, people ask things like, "where do you learn this shit?"