2023 Climate Spiral: An Unbelievable Year
Notice Board
This is a work in progress, please don't mind the mess.
What is geoscience?
Geoscience (also called Earth Science) is the study of Earth. Geoscience includes so much more than rocks and volcanoes, it studies the processes that form and shape Earth's surface, the natural resources we use, and how water and ecosystems are interconnected. Geoscience uses tools and techniques from other science fields as well, such as chemistry, physics, biology, and math! Read more...
Quick Facts
Teaching Resources
Well Ive lost everything I have ever owned, was at one point held hostage, starved and beaten by a fentanyl crazed madman for 5 days, and discovered that all of my former friends and family are too busy to help me in anyway, or more common they would prefer to gaslight and play devils advocate type mind games with me while I am starving and sleeping outside.
So uh... yeah. New game +, but I am older now. Oh well.