What are you playing this weekend? 2024-01-12
A community for everything Nintendo. Games, news, discussions, stories etc.
Game | Date
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition | Mar 20 [Switch 2 Direct] | Apr 02 Metroid Prime 4 | 2025
Shadowverse is great. I don't care for the actuall app, but I'd buy a second game like this in a heartbeat.
It's also pretty hard towards the end, which was kinda nice.
The mobile game or the Switch one?
Assuming Switch one, is there a campaign? And no need for buying or spending any more money, other than buying the actual game?
The switch one. It's like those old Yu-Gi-Oh! games where you follow the story of the anime (there actually is a Shadowverse anime and the game follows the first season). While there is online play, I never actually bothered with it. You unlock new packs and currency to buy them throughout the gameplay in large quantities. No need to grind or anything and no microtransactions I'm aware of - only some DLCs I believe. You get a fully fledged "TCG-RPG" for your money. It's voiced in both english and japanese and you get an actual 3D world to explore.
There's a demo too, just try it!
Switch one is awesome. Highly recommend
Ah, that's cool. Will give it a try, thanks!