A moment of brilliance
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I wouldn't be surprised if originally it was something you did to rescue stale bread. Can't waste any good food when it's scarce, you know?
I still use it to rescue state bread. Either that, or if I need a harder/warmer surface to spread things on.
Y'all gonna want summa this guh'mint cheese for that state bread, too, ya know.
People toast fresh bread? Why, fresh bread is good as-is.
I mean, if it's fresh from a bakery - sure, but "factory-fresh"? I think toasted is definitely an improvement.
Of course it was that.
Fresh bread has the glutens all loose and digestible. When the bread goes stale the glutens have tightened up again and become less nutritionally available. Toasting loosens the proteins up again and makes it all nicey-nicey for de tummy.
Sorry for the niche technical language at the end.