The US has so much space
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Btw you can do it also in Germany more or less.
I believe it's possible also in France .
Edit: don't want to insult anyone, I was just curious, nothing else.
You can fly 10+ hours from France and still land in France 💀
The sun never sets on the ~~British~~ French empire!
Le soleil ne se couche jamais sur l'empire français*
Silly France, why are you reinstalling a monarch after all these y- Oh no...
Don't worry he says he is Jupiter, everything will be fine.
Imagine the horror of not being able to escape France. Truly a fate worse than death
Funny, I say the same thing about Texas.
After having worked in Texas a few years, the food is waaay worse there. (A few places in Dallas Deep Ellum were good, and I never made it to Austin, but on average, but great).
France please.
Dunno, croissants
I'd watch that movie
Yes, those are countries, not single states within a country. Different things.
edit: ya'll are acting so fucking weird in this comment thread. Jesus Christ I don't even give a shit about the size of America or the US/EU pissing contest, I was merely and correctly pointing out the non-equivalence of the items being compared. Holy shit get a fucking life if you give two shits about the topic itself, goddamn. The hate boner some of you have for one country or another to the point of spite downvoting and intentionally misinterpreting shit is fucking ridiculous.
It is a fair comparison, especially within the EU.
french guiana is part of france, and the eu.
New York to Hawaii can be a 13 hour flight depending on the Island you wanna land on. Alaska to Miami is similar and even drivable. Fairbanks to Miami is a brisk 77 hour drive.
So is Réunion. Shall we count the time to take a boat to the island or just a flight?
You guys have funny gatekeeping. Oh well, to each his own, I guess
You guys get to make fun of the imperial system, and healthcare, and fahrenheit, and gun crime. Let us have one thing.
Fair enough
Well done texans 👏 the guys with rulers drew your box on the map the biggest
About your edit, that's why I added the disclaimer on my first comment lol. I fully knew it would degenerate in a biggest dick contest and wanted to avoid being part of it.
I sincerely wish I had your wisdom and foresight. I just can't imagine caring the way these people seem to care.
For comparison, Bellingham, WA to Key West, FL. Same country, 2 days without stops.
I tried Brazil. Got 79h going East to West from Recife to Cruzeiro do Sul and 90h going South to North from Chuí to Oiapoque. Granted, our roads aren't the best but you're still looking at over 5000km of travel either way.
That's a long ass road trip, thanks for sharing. I was trying to get directions from Alaska to southern Argentina but Google said nope
You can't drive from north to south america! Look up Darien Gap
Depends where you're starting in Alaska most likely. There are major areas that are not connected to the rest of North America by road, only boat/ferry where Google might not include that.
Yes, good luck with the Darian Gap
In addition to the other comment about it being a single state within the US, we're also talking about roughly 1500-1600 kilometers in the Texas map. It would mostly be 70-75mph (120kph) highways the whole way.
May I present Kiruna to Trelleborg (1882 km) in Sweden?
But what would it be for Bavaria or or Lower Saxony?
My question is how much of that is highway travel and/or straight? In the Texas map most of that travel will be highways at 80mph. I know Germany has the autobahn but living in Colombia has made me suspicious of long travel times which actually have short distances traveled since this country is very mountainous and I don't think a straight road exists here.
1/3 to 1/2 of the Texas trip will be interstate highways. The rest is mixed bag of divided highways with at grade crossings and two lane highways.
Texas will still make their back roads 80mph lmao, even with grade crossings
Nearly all of it is Autobahn. It is basically just road work slowing you down and even that is not too bad.
Just for funsies I looked it up and Miami FL to Seattle WA is a 48 hour drive. Longest I found within the continental US upon a quick googling of recognizable cities.
I did a similar diagonal route across Canada. 84 hours it says.
Kind of unrelated but i met a dude from scotland who walked across canada with his dog luna... Took a little while
Thats a bit more than the Alaska to Miami drives I found. I think there one where you can drive all the way to an arctic research base in a similar timeframe.
You can't drive to Alaska without entering Canada
Now, that starts to be a long distance lmao
You're comparing an entire country to the US' 2nd largest state of fifty, though.
Ops post would be more effective by stating average speed.