Explanation: Mantis shrimps have the most powerful punches in nature with respect to their body size. It can probably break human bones.
"probably" is more "likely fracture" if you get punched by them and you take the full 1500 newtons straight on the finger.
According to https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/bmt-2012-0004/html
(I can only access the abstract) fractures appear at an average of 1485 N, albeit in a different situation (jamming rather than strike)
I still don't get it, but I didn't have enough sleep lol
edit: It took me three tries to get my spelling right too
possibly kills
Head is missing, subject may be deceased
Ohh, that was her opponent in the last panel, now I get it lol thanks
That explains why I didn't get it at first, I thought she was holding the hungry hungry caterpillar.
Explanation: Mantis shrimps have the most powerful punches in nature with respect to their body size. It can probably break human bones.
"probably" is more "likely fracture" if you get punched by them and you take the full 1500 newtons straight on the finger.
According to https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/bmt-2012-0004/html
(I can only access the abstract) fractures appear at an average of 1485 N, albeit in a different situation (jamming rather than strike)
I still don't get it, but I didn't have enough sleep lol
edit: It took me three tries to get my spelling right too
Head is missing, subject may be deceased
Ohh, that was her opponent in the last panel, now I get it lol thanks
That explains why I didn't get it at first, I thought she was holding the hungry hungry caterpillar.