Cow sleeping in someone's lap.
A place with minimal rules for stuff that makes you go awww! Feel free to post pics, gifs, or videos of cats, dogs, babies, or anything cute and remember to be kind to others.
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As proven by the fact that dogs exist. I bet wolves were constantly itchy as well, but receiving those excellent scritches over millennia, they turned into the gentle doggos that we know today. And now I can have one of these 30kg predators in my house, trusting me with their life and sleeping on me occasionally and not mauling me with their sharp teeth, just because of the power of scritches.
Pretty sure it was actually food scraps that got ‘em. Scritches came later.
Nah, that can't be right, I'm pretty sure it was them sweet sweet scritches. I asked, former wolf agrees.
I dunno. Better do an experiment. Scritches and snacks.
(Oh they deserve all the scritches!)