answer = sum(n) / len(n)
A place for majestic STEMLORD peacocking, as well as memes about the realities of working in a lab.
This is a science community. We use the Dawkins definition of meme.
This article use different wording than me, but in essence: Statistics is mostly about using a known model to explain the data. Machine Learning is mostly about finding any model that predicts the data well. Different purposes with some overlap. Some statistical methods are used in Machine Learning, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all of Machine Learning is statistics.
Another (potentially lower quality) article that is not from Nature, but discusses the meme in particular:
Seeing your comment I wondered how someone publishing in Nature could have possibly left out the use of statistics for prediction. That would be a wild oversight that only someone with little knowledge of the topic would make, and surely not something that the editors of Nature would miss. Upon clicking the link I see that they mentioned it in the very first sentence and apparently ignore it if someone happens to call the prediction model a machine learning model. Using statistical models for prediction has been used since the start of the field, and renaming things that have been used for decades as "machine learning" doesn't suddenly make them not statistics.
Artificial neural networks are statistical models, with numerous statistical approaches associated with their use, development and interpretation.