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Try posting a meme critical of Russia's invasion of Ukraine to lemmy.ml's meme community. If it isn't immediately taken down for "rule 1: uncivil", you will catch some people pasting long entries defending Russia in the comments with varying degrees of civility. These will be the ones we call tankies.
It's so goofy that they support modern Russia, a right wing empire that backs fascists worldwide. I get not liking the US or the liberal world order, but Russia trying to build a competing empire is not anti-imperialist. You can't solve imperialism with imperialism. It's like trying to solve capitalism's problems with capitalist solutions.
There isn't even plausible deniability like with the USSR. It's an explicitly ethnocentric government of blood and soil rhetoric 🙄
It's insane. Defending Putin's actions even against Putin's own words.
Taken down and banned from a dozen different .ml communities, no less.
I wouldn't assume the long comments defending the Kremlin are coming from actual people.
Sadly, some are. E.g. look at the most downvoted reply in this thread: https://lemmy.world/comment/9919133
It is made by the mod of lemmy.ml comics
And for bonus points, look at the response from the memes community moderator defending him against reports.