How do I be gud at Final Fantasy Tictacs?
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
The name of the game in tactics is leveling a good couple levels over the battles in the game. It takes grinding but you can do it in the first chapter with the random battles on the map. Just get into an encounter, kill all the enemies except one, weaken them, and while they run away spend your turns doing actions that get you experience and jp. Stuff like casting chakra as a monk or potions as a chemist.
Once you get into the second, third, and forth acts you'll get access to holy knight characters like Agrias who can do op sword attacks on enemies. Later on Cid all but breaks the game for you.
Some classes I remember being OP are the monk for it's offensive and healing powers. The ninja for dual wield. Samurai for the draw out commands and rare swords that do great things like offense and defense. Geomancer for having access to magic without using MP. And the broken calculator that has access to every magic in the game (save for summons) and can cast on every enemy at once with the right arithmetic combo.
I like all the stupid hidden characters you can get late-game:
🤖 🐲Spoilers:
I remember being hyped for Cloud and getting the materia blade...only for his limit breaks to be totally wimpy compared for Worker 8's lasers or Reis.spoiler
Yeah, his abilities are pretty whack, but there's theEdit: especially in like 1998 or whenever
Wait this has random encounters? Okay... what was wrong with training battles but okay....
Uh I don't have classes yet, all squires. Actions gain you xp????
Walk back and forth on the map dots that are wilderness and you'll run into random battles.
Yeah, doing actions gets you either XP or JP,
I had this guide I borrowed from a cousin growing up with the game.
Maybe I just wont play video games
thank u anyhow...
Ganbare comrade-kun I know you can do it, I've armed you with the nintendo power.
No, random battles feature the gang fighting for their lives, lv2 squires vs lv4+ goblins and dogs and shit, getting totalled. On my way to the Trade City the first time and having to savescum random battles. Bought phoenix downs they are useless, nobody does any damage. Why can I not counter, why are chemists trash healers, why is the game like this.