A place for majestic STEMLORD peacocking, as well as memes about the realities of working in a lab.
This is a science community. We use the Dawkins definition of meme.
Unfortunately there's a bit of pressure to osbficate the core idea of a publication in academia. While the ideal academics try to hold themselves to is to freely exchange information, for researchers who are paid to study very neiche topics there's an insensitive to put some resistance into others entering their field. There is only so much funding and one more team means more competition. So some researchers who find themselves in that position will intentionally complicate their published work as a way to create a disincentive to others from crowding their field. It sucks but the reality is that funding and money come before the faithful pursuit of knowledge.
Also, some people just suck at writing.
As a (perhaps unintentional) slip, "an insensitive" works rather well here. Gatekeeping your field in a forum of open(ish)^1^ information exchange is just categorically "not nice".
Personally, I would have opted for a portmanteau like "incentsitive".
^1^ - Paywalls notwithstanding.
It doesn't fit in context, they clearly meant incentive.
Bad grammar nazi, there are several other typos! Bad!
I just catch the ones the news with my dyslexia.