[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 46 points 2 months ago

Should be mandatory public health warnings on all tabloids, like cigarettes. Just as bad for your health, probs worse

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 105 points 9 months ago

There's no better ad for piracy than the greed of corporations. Don't let ads shit in your head. They disrespect you, you disrespect them.

submitted 9 months ago by Fluid@aussie.zone to c/australia@aussie.zone

These words appear on almost all food labels these days, but they are kind of meaningless. Take something like those flavoured waters, "ingredients: water, flavour". They taste amazing, there's definitely a bunch of 'stuff' in there, but they don't tell us what it is on the label?

I thought we used to have number codes for additives and what-not that they had to disclose so we knew what was in it. Did the food labelling laws change somehow? Or are these new additives something different which can just hide behind the word 'flavour'? Genuinely curious if anyone has some idea, there doesn't seem to be any explanations on the food standards website...

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 44 points 10 months ago

Yeh, I'll wait until the bugs are ironed out and my distro (mint) determines it's stable. No need to start asking for troubles when everything is working smoothly.

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 113 points 11 months ago

Walled garden platforms doing what walled garden platforms do I suppose...

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 46 points 1 year ago

Exactly. Steam figured this out early on and it's how they have maintained their dominance in the game distribution business. It's the same lessons the entertainment streaming platforms must learn - your value is convenience. Add more walls between consumers and content? you will be cast aside.

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 44 points 1 year ago

It's taken longer than I expected, but more and more people are realising streaming services as a model are not good, by any measure.

They cost more in the long run, you are made powerless as a consumer (perpetually increasing costs and removing your favourite content), and you can't even get 'everything at the convenience of your fingertips' cause the market is fragmented and they remove things periodically. You own nothing and pay more. Absolutely stupid model that deserves to die.


It seems the only way now is to navigate to the community you want to post it, and menu>post. Is there a way to add a post button on the bottom bar perhaps, then have a post screen with a community selection? If not, might be a cool idea for future maybe if enough people think that would be useful. Cheers

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 40 points 1 year ago

Related to the recent reddit mobile site update that straight up breaks the website perhaps? (Cant scroll, can’t interact)

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 52 points 1 year ago

Walled-gardens are fundamentally bad for communication. Discord is not a solution, it’s a problem.

submitted 1 year ago by Fluid@aussie.zone to c/movies@lemmy.world

My friend and I have spent far too long searching on old DVD and Bluray forums for spoilers on how to access the easter egg “Chimp Commentary” supposedly available on the BluRay edition of Tim Burtons infamous Planet of the Apes reboot.

Hoping that maybe someone else out there may know how we can amuse our tiny ape brains by finding how to enable this easter egg. We’ve tried every combination of menu buttons and no online resources seem to work for the Bluray edition of this film. Has anyone else been able to find this thing?

submitted 1 year ago by Fluid@aussie.zone to c/australia@aussie.zone

Looking at picking up a quest 3, but want to try one out before I buy. Doesn’t seem like the usual places (JB, EB, department stores) offer any way to test them? Does anyone know of retailers who have demos?


I’ve been using the notes app to write short thoughts, notes, poems, random ideas, etc and have found it really clunky for this. It has no simple way to edit formatting while typing or after, and a few other designs that seem to distract me. Wondering if anyone else had found this also, and maybe looked around for a better app?

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 45 points 1 year ago

It’s just so bland and formulaic. Against deep RPGs like BG3, it just pales in comparison.


Have had this issue since the 1.11.4 update, wondering if just me? Icon shows 1 update available, despite being on latest version. Click install, icon still showing update available. On webapp 1.11.14.

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 52 points 2 years ago

Ahh yes, the same PM who has a list of 5 directly contradictory statements as his so-called ‘plan’, that one right?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Fluid@aussie.zone to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

Getting around 130fps avg frames, sometime dipping down into the 80's, when playing CS2. Did a recent system upgrade and presumed performance would be better than this for the build?


  • Ryzen 7 5700x 3.4ghz
  • 6750XT 12gb ddr6
  • 16gb 3600mhz ddr4
  • m.2 SSD
  • 144hz , 1440 screen with freesync
  • Running Mint latest version

Have tried in-game settings at lowest, still not managing to get a stable FPS above 144. Mucking with settings doesn't seem to change performance much. Have set game to run with '-vulkan' which helped reduce some stuttering issues, but not much performance gain.

I also only get <100fps with other games like BG3. Figured this kit would be able to handle modern games a bit better. Any ideas what's going on?

EDIT: For future reference, the following changes were made and am now getting ~200fps

  • Enabled asus EZ Tune in BIOS (rather than manually muck with each setting)
  • Updated gpu drivers via 'amdgpu -install'
  • Enable gamemode
[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 48 points 2 years ago

Systemic problems require systemic solutions. Enough of this cop-out environmental policy of shifting blame to consumers, we need to put the onus on producers and importers.

submitted 2 years ago by Fluid@aussie.zone to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Are there any good quality, open-source or community-driven alternatives to goodreads? Something which offers the same discoverability service for similar or related books, including the ability to wishlist and review?

submitted 2 years ago by Fluid@aussie.zone to c/linuxmint@lemmy.ml

Switched to an AMD graphics card recently and ran "sudo apt remove --purge" on all ^nvidia* and ^libnvidia* packages. Unfortunately, one package (libnvidia-compute-470) seems to not get the message and won't remove itself. Quick search around the internet on solutions have not resolved the issue yet. Wondering if anyone had any ideas how to manually remove this package? Cheers!

[-] Fluid@aussie.zone 67 points 2 years ago

Greedy capitalists believe line must always go up. They will sacrifice every moral principle to their invisible hand god.

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