[-] Juice@hexbear.net 41 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Has the left gone too f-

instantly vaporized by the woke trans mob space laser

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 47 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Turns out the coercive forces of capitalism also applies to anti-capitalists kitty-cri-screm

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 40 points 6 months ago

I don't like to be all preachy about peoples treats, I get annoyed when people try to tell me that my slop is bad or somehow dangerous, as if there aren't about 1000 worse ways to burn holes in my brain than putting a podcast on in the background while doing dishes or driving or whatever. I'm a grown ass adult and I read a good amount and have lots of political discussions and organize in my spare time, its not like I'm some teenager being introduced to these ideas for the first, or even the 50th time.

But my dealings with people in their communities,and I've also heard this from other comrades, have been difficult. I don't blame the hosts, but I'm suspicious of these platforms, the way they manipulate creators and consumers of content, it always seems to go badly. Idk maybe I'm just an old fuck

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 88 points 6 months ago

The Deprogram is treats not theory. People who treat it like theory, even a little, are extremely frustrating to talk to/organize with.

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 31 points 6 months ago

I agree that it lacks political teeth without being signed, but if it is real and it continues to circulate among conscientious service members, they could come out later when their numbers are great enough to be politically significant.

No one is more skeptical than I am, but if Aaron Bushnell was willing to set himself on fire in protest, a protest that likely hit much harder to like minded military personnel, then other members are probably willing to write or sign a letter like this.

No one on the side of imperialism would fabricate a letter like this.

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 47 points 6 months ago

I'm sure the US Military Service would also like to know, so they can be dishonorably discharged

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 66 points 6 months ago

This tool is a professor at Harvard, who get his essays published in Time, while you're out here acting like you're not good enough.

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 38 points 7 months ago

What if all these years of people complaining about gluten, it was actually this poison making them sick?

Treat discourse (hexbear.net)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Juice@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Hexbear when it sees someone enjoying their treats: malcolm-checks hst-gun kirby-jammin frog-no-pretext trans-gun

Me when I see someone enjoying their treats: hillary-assassin

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 29 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Right. Covid killed over a million people, equivalent to 12-15% of the surplus population (reserve army of labor in Marxist terms.) This created an increase in wages (the media called it "the great resignation".) The fed raised interest rates to get companies to stop hiring, and lots of white collar jobs got let go due to decreased demand for tech/services after covid (blame it on AI.) This stabilized costs in many sectors, but companies didn't decrease their prices to pre-pandemic levels, they kept them where they were or continued to raise them leading to increased profitability.

Read Value, Price and Profit

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 35 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Ableist Classist Luddite

Wait just one sec comrade. Noone said you can't use it, but you really think you should be entitled to make money as an artist? You can literally get a job as an AI prompt writer/engineer. But what you want is to be recognized as an artist.

Fine, then create a bunch of AI art, frame it, and take it to a gallery or to a market. Put it in a portfolio and display it on a website. Go network with other artists in your area and promote your work as art, see where it gets you. I'm genuinely curious.

AI has the ability to write code, but very few software engineers have lost their jobs because of it. Why? Is it because AI code, like AI art, sucks ass?

A lot of people here struggle with MH and some have overcome and found success. Maybe don't be so quick to label others as chauvinistic for pointing out that your idea is a priori nonsense that has little to no basis in reality. The fact remains that your struggles don't prevent you from picking up a paintbrush or a pencil or a mouse or whatever. Quadrapalegics still paint landscapes, Chuck Close is a world famous portrait artist who is face blind.

AI art is trained on the art of others, full stop. Noone says you can't use it to create images for your own enjoyment. Maybe there is some value for creators in using AI? But the value is created for capitalists to suppress wages of creatives and force people into unemployment. Hollywood writers went on strike over this shit. People don't fucking like it and regardless of how you feel about that, art is subjective. So best of luck, get over yourself

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 30 points 10 months ago

Hell yeah, I got to work on this campaign. It feels really great to have worked on a historic campaign like this one. We spent the last 8 months making calls and sending texts and knocking doors. To actually win something, to get good news in Ohio of all fucking places feels really great.

There's still a ton of work ahead, the Republicans don't give a shit about the law or the constitution, but its a win for the people and a blow against demoralization and defeatist realism and for now that feels pretty good!

submitted 1 year ago by Juice@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I'm not sure what my point is for documenting this, or for documenting this here. Apparently it is of some importance to me because I can't seem to focus on anything else. Maybe this isn't the right comm for this? If so, let me know and I'll move/remove.

Like a lot of people, I picked up some new habits and routines during the COVID pandemic lockdown, some good and some were coping mechanisms. The two categories were not as brightly defined at the time, there's nothing wrong with coping during periods of stress. I often joke that before pandemic, I was a 185 lbs rock-climbing vegan. Now I'm basically none of those things. What I am though, is a gamer. Before covid I would play video games, sometimes quite frequently, but never so much that I became actually good at anything I played. This has changed.

Since the beginning of covid, I have played Bloodborne for something like 1700 hours, Destiny 2 for about 1600 hours, and logged probably around 1000 hours in Monsterhunter World and Rise combined. I have friends who were also in lockdown playing a lot of videogames and interacting on discord, though this has mostly fallen off and I have gamed mostly solo for about the last year or so. Last year when I finally lost interest in Destiny 2, I started up playing Bloodborne again. I joined the reddit-logo huntersbell community on discord, and helped new players navigate the difficult that, and vibing with veteran players. After less than two months, having completed at least 6 or 7 full playthroughs, including 3 full runs of the optional story chalice dungeons, I became annoyed with the discord server because soulsborne players can be really toxic, left and put the game away shortly after. Haven't played it since this past week.

There was definitely a part of me that misses playing games with good friends. One of the reasons I have so much time in a mostly single-player story, is because the coop was the way I and two other friends spent time. Every day. For hours. The same is true of Destiny 2 and I only played for another season or 2 after a good friend dropped off, and then another. I didn't pick up Bloodborne again a week ago to be social, but it wasn't long before I had rejoined the huntersbell server to try and pick up some games. So I assume I was after some of these feelings of comeraderie. The fact that I was coping with covid, and was feeling antsy after finally finishing MHR and wanting something familiar to play, also contributed I believe.

Well last night I was playing and in that server, when a few of the veteran members pounced on me for seemingly no reason (giving inaccurate/incomplete advice while in the middle of typing it all out.) The whole thing made me so turned off I don't really want to go back at all. Not just to the discord server, but to that game or really any game ever again. There is a finality that I feel and almost a mourning. Although it could all be fake and I'll be back again in a week. I don't know. I can feel the pieces inside of me shifting and reorienting. Its scary because when I feel like this I usually end up with a whole new, multi-years long, absolutely convinced that I'm right and justified, way of looking at the world. If I gave up g*ming I would be fine, and I could stand to smoke a lot less weed too. But I'm afraid to.lose other things, like my passion for social justice, my will and ability to organize, etc.,

I'm neurodivergent (an neurodivergent communist, imagine that) so I simultaneously rely on the specialness of my brain while being extremely skeptical of my abilities in some areas. That skepticism is expressing as worry, and nothing else. I don't have time to have a crisis about videogames ffs but here we are.

Thanks Hexbear comrades.

[-] Juice@hexbear.net 50 points 1 year ago

I got called out for saying this once. At first I was like "what's racist about rice" but when I googled it everything that came up was an explicitly anti-asian meme.

So yeah the word is being used in the west as a racist term so non Asians should reconsider whether using the term helps or hurts their relationships with others within the communities we frequent. I think vigilance is better than ambivalence.

Buttmog the rich (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Juice@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

:porky-scared-flipped: :butt:

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