My take is that the focus on this as "a solution" is essentially a grift that gives libs a sense of "something is being done" much the same way recycling or many other green tech related things are. I don't trust that it would be scalable or possible resource wise if the people telling me it is operate from the system we currently live in.

If we were not doing profit, I think stuff like this could be tried and studied absolutely, but then again humans could live without meat just fine too. So to me putting those resources to farming soy would make much more sense than manifacturing fake meat in factories.

It seems like it's a luxury product for a world of scarcity to make some feel that they better off than others. Essentially the whole thing feels very capitalist logic coded.

Oh my goodness, as a woman I'm so glad A MAN is there to make sure a freaking flashlight doesn't come with a too complicated UI for my lady brain...

[-] 75 points 3 weeks ago

News related, mainly highlights how Finland is sliding more and more to the side of US imperialism and how history gets rewritten in real time.

The EU says: sign this petition (

For the people who still believe the EU is anything more than an union for the interest of capital they have now put up this site as a promise of maybe possibly considering taxing the rich if we just sign a petition.

This is European "democracy". Many of these peoples petitions have been implemented so they can say there are mechanisms of straight democracy, but in reality these rarely impact anything.

I find it patricularly ghoulish that it is the economic union itself promoting this petition, it's the same playbook as in all the environmental things. Gives people false hope and an image that something is being done when in fact nothing will change. But a few more years of status quo is secured with things like these.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

This is just next level.

I too always like it when I get to choose who oppresses me, makes it feel so much better./s

(No links, because not sure how big or small of an account this Harris lib has. Screenshotted from Mastodon.)


I don't even know how to start unpacking this, but I just need to vent about it. I am late self-diagnosed audhd afab, gen X who has learnt a lot of unhealthy hustle culture and looking busy brainworms over the years. Been down the burnout path a few times too before I realized my neurotype around 2020.

I am currently working in a client facing, but also laptop touching position where I am constantly "out of work". I am always on top of the things I should do, because I always do them right away or otherwise I know I would forget them. I have constant "impostor syndrome" and question myself on whether I am doing enough, because I always end up with all this downtime. The work has no set structure and we very much manage ourselves. I have secretly compared my calender to my coworkers and I tend to have more client appointments than most, yet for example this week I have just been bored out of my mind for days. And questioning if I am somehow doing this wrong.

I am having a remote day today and am just here posting. I don't know why I feel weird about it when rationally I know that I very much earn my wage and just do the work differently than others. I for example write very fast. And solve things very fast.

But my question remains, do neurotypicals just fake it? Or do they think they are busy all the time? I for one do a lot of remote work and at the office I introvert it. I am always about the work, not socializing much, so my worktime never goes to those things.

I eat at my desk while I work too, I tried the neurotypical style of taking breaks, but it just doesn't work for me mid-task. My breaks are the bus drives to clients houses or slacking in the morning pretending to be online in Teams.

But I am having to do a lot of pretending and I think that is the part that is draining me. I actually really like my work and am probably pretty good at it, but this keeping up appearances stuff is exhausting and causes all kinds of self doubt.

I did teaching previously and the daily structure in it with the shorter day was a lot easier to handle. But I can't find things to do for eight hours in my current work. And I know nobody works eight hours in the office, but why is the pretend so hard for me? I feel weird listening to audiobooks in my worktime and I want to stop feeling that way, but I think it's the autistic lawful good that makes me feel kind of bad about it.

[-] 55 points 2 months ago

Finland slipping further back into full blown mask off fascism with the SDP being exactly what Stalin said social democracy is in this vote. The bourge is leveraging russophobia on levels not ever before seen, because in the past there still were commies and countering politics here.

Oh how I miss our big protective neigbour in the East.

[-] 62 points 2 months ago

Extincion Rebellion in Finland has withdrawn from a demostration due to police violence. The libs are calling this a smart move as it draws more attention to their cause. Mainstream media however rarely reports the demos or if it does, it typically frames these as the disrubtion of traffic. Today the liberal bourge paper Helsingin Sanomat has called out for the protesters right to protest safely.

Their next demo will start as planned tomorrow with a press release about the police violence. In the Finnish text based press release they report the police hitting people in the head, dragging them on the asfalt and other acts of physical violence. The police started forcefully removing protesters as soon as the demo started with no prewarning or commands to leave.

[-] 55 points 6 months ago

The week just keeps getting worse in the Nordics: Finland is to send soldiers to "secure boat traffic in an US led operation in the Red Sea" along with Swedish and Danish troops that in parts are already there.

Can't find an English link of this yet.

[-] 113 points 6 months ago

I kind of hope that seeing this discourse play out in real time will make some of the self-proclaimed anarchists&leftists who love to call others tankies realize where their favourite left-bashing term comes from and how it gets utilized.

Circular economy (

Been thinking about the weird embracement of all the circular economy solutions by the capitalist class.

This framing has enabled them to sell the same commodity many times over and then recycle it into even more commodities while maintaining an image of "being Green". Due to this the second hand market for things has become a lot less accessible and expensive. Also donations and giving out stuff you no longer need seems to be disappearing as a practise. This might also be because nothing we buy lasts more than a year anymore.

This post is inspired by me trying to find a few rocks or pavement stones for our backyard that a few decades ago you could just go source from the dumb or some construction site. Now those places are reselling the trash and have barbed wired fences around them.

Also feels like these systems have removed the slack aka maximized and optimized profit on food items, making the food given out to the poor and homeless disappear or become way too scarce.

[-] 70 points 8 months ago

White supremacy and imperialism are unsustainable, humanity is not. We are totally able to live on this earth sustainably as a species and have done so just fine. Capitalism is unsustainable, but it has nothing to do with humanity as a whole.

Your comment is pretty (eco)fashy tbh.

[-] 73 points 9 months ago

Amazingly seemed like my more and more violently coughing midde class family is starting to get disillusioned by the status quo, all had been sick before Christmas with novid obviously. Most of my leftist points were met with comments like "I agree" with glances from depressed and weary eyes. Even my comments on how this virus will end us if we keep this up. That is new.

Boy did the kids especially make me sad though. One 9 year old said when I said their cough sounds pretty bad that "I cough like this all the time now".


I can't even...

Trust the Ghouls to bring fat phobia even to war. This is peak neoliberalism.

Not to mention equating weight with health.

Then again this has come up as a justification of starving Cubans too, more than once.

Are you ready for your stressed out heroin chic body? It's good for you, trust me.

[-] 56 points 10 months ago

Anti-semitism has been fully weaponized to silence anyone supporting Palestine and the Germans in their weird nazi guilt are literally recreating the conditions of fascism and think their are in the right. It's pretty surreal to watch.


I am taking part in a uni course about the Feminist revolution in Iran. The lecturer has been going over the Iranian revolution in 1979 in a very, shall we say, interesting way.

I do not want to discredit their pov on this as I am obviously a Westoid, but the way this is being framed is that before the revolution things were better for women. The lecturer said the revolution happened because people disliked the Shah having more than others, but she did not elaborate this in any way. One would think the complaints of people were pretty big for them to start a revolution? But I know very little about this.

After the revolution women were to have equal rights, but over the next years the dictatorship which is named as Islamic removed them and things like the hijab became mandatory. She stated that people were given false promises and betrayed and this is why the people sided with the revolution. Where does this framing come from? Was it the same people going for revolution that ended up in places of power?

Now my understanding is that the social democratic movement there was destroyed by the West in the 50s and the following twenty+ years under the Shah led to a sort of pseudorevolution that wasn't entirely progressive in nature. Is this correct or wrong?

Also how did the revolutionary force become so deeply conservative? The lecturer told us that before this there was no national religion as such and things like wearing a scarf were personal choices. This was then turned into a mandatory thing starting from workplace dresscode to eventually all public life, however at home people to this day do not follow these norms.

The Women Life Freedom movement is then a result of the way these last decades have eroded all womens rights.

I will include the following questions as well:

If this reactionary tendency in societies is always high, how do we make sure our revolution does not lead to something like this? Or was this all external influence?

If we accept that there always tends to be external influence, what can we do to make sure the reactionary force does not get on top and be in a position to dictate things like womens rights? (I am spesifically thinking of Hamas in Palestine now being the force that is driving change, if they stay in power, won't that easily result in a second Iran when it comes to Islamic nationalism/minority rights?)

How then can we engage in critical support of operators who have a high chance of creating systems of oppression?

Any history on Iran, feminism and ML and other thought very welcome.

[-] 67 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

We had a few very small pro-Palestine protests in Finland a few days ago. What I noticed was the people taking part in these were nearly 100% immigrants who by taking part in anything like this are taking huge personal risks regarding the right to stay and safety in general. There was also no information anywhere about these protest because this country has effectively kept all etcnic minorities outside of society and there really is no area where we cross paths.

The local rabbi has now announced that they will be raising charges againts these protesters for ethnic agitation and defamation.

This will likely lead to these people being deported or can be used againts them in other ways. It will surely stop all protests because even on protesting againts austerity policy or raising voices about issues within this country immigrants often have to stay out in fear of retaliation, I was told this by an international student who felt unsafe voicing their issues during the student protests here.


So meanwhile in the Natohawkzone.

There was apparently a rupture in a pipeline. Experts immediately called it "clearly sabotage" and then went on to state that nobody else but Russia has a reason to do this.

After one sleep, it turns out it may well have been a ship anchor that has hit the pipeline, possibly by accident.

But that is not stopping the war mongering.

I wondered how they will justify bringing nato troops here, there has already been all sorts of collaboration between cops and such since we sold ourselves out to amerikkka.

It's wild. I hate it here now.

As a Finn this whole thing feels like an unmasking of all the stuff that already started to become unmasked during the pandemic. And before that during the austerity years.

This is a countryvthst had people who kidnapped communists in the 30s. Communists were put in camps during ww2. Our civil war was a class war. Interestingly everyone has forgotten our own history.

The basic finns have spun things with the exact same playbook that the US fox news types have used. They keep moving goalposts, muddying waters and now we "both sides" this.

There is a concept called the sameness myth here that explains a lot too. The idea of equality as it has been framed has always been about being "nice and civil", about respecting "both sides". It has always made inequality disappear. It has always been equality for the privileged.

A proud academic just told me yesterday how happy they were that they were able to sit in the same table and compromise with these peoole who do this. How we can still "find common ground". Then these same people act surprised when the Overton window keeps sliding to the right. It's all about being nice, never kind. Never standing up for anything or saying no.

Sorry, this really gets under my skin because this was absolutely always going to happen in this socdem hell. I mean we make our unemployed work for 9€/day and call it a social service.

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