[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 13 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Holy shit,thank Christ

I'm the dummy who NAFOposted about Moldova,and I got my ass rightfully schooled,but thank Christ!Our brothers have broken free from the West!(This time)

I was dooming about this,but it looks like we won't be dragged into an inevitable Moldovan conflict and that the West's influence here really is waning!My god,what a crack in the facade!



Rejoice!You were right and I was wrong!

Maybe I'm huffing copium again,but this looks like a ray of hope for our future too.Their influence is waning! Obviously here it's still deeply entrenched,but maybe there's hope?

Edit: nevermind,it's looking really tight and there's still 3% more of the vote to be counted, looks like it's gonna be down to the wire

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 21 points 6 hours ago

You're underestimating the teutonic particles abounding in the brains of the descendants of Vienas Trajkums the Jew-killer

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 24 points 7 hours ago

They should eat NAFO posts,after all,the national budget is going to much more useful endeavors,like sending bombs to Ukraine

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 45 points 1 day ago

Yeah,had one fly over my house

Even when they're there to supposedly "defend" you,it doesn't feel like you're being defended

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Le Racisme,Racism, Racism innit?,Rassismus

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 12 points 1 day ago

Nice cat

I bet it takes a pet like no praahblem

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah,Im reconsidering my words, because god damn,after taking a second look I sound practically the same as a pro NATO polack

I guess it was a mix of ingrained chauvinism paired with some hope that maybe we could find a future together,but no, you're right

In an ideal world we'd have something like the Union State and we'd begin to reconcile,but this isn't that world

Now,for my verdict on whether or not the referendum will pass,I'm sorry to say,but I definitely think it will

Unless we see a similar SMO happen there,I believe the US and the EU have them by the gonads and this is the last twist before their subordination

Hopefully Transnistria and Gagauzia can peel away in the chaos,but the way I see it,the rot runs deep and they're on track to becoming a shittier Romania

I dunno,I just wanted to hope that we didn't sell our souls to Brussels for nothing and that at least we'd be reunited with Moldova

Edit:That was me having a vain hope that we could pull the same trick we did during our history,duping and playing empires against each other for our benefit,but you're right,the US is no Porte and there's no equivalent to Tzarist Russia or Austria now to use to our leverage just yet

God its depressing to think the fucking phanariots had more agency then our current ruling class does

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 10 points 1 day ago

Btw should I delete my post then? Or just redirect to yours instead? I'm looking back and I said some real stupid shit,out here sounding like the average Eastern European NAFOid

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ok,I will say that I did put the disclaimer that that "outlet" was western owned, basically I wanted to show people what the western narrative is.

Second,I disagree that Moldova is a "colony" of Romania. They are definitely distinct in their identity,but to classify them as a different people is quite frankly ridiculous. However,you are correct when you say that Romania practically colonized Transnistria during WW2 and that it has no legitimate claim to the area.

I just can't see how the "parent" nation of modern day Moldova,the Principality of Moldavia,and which is part of official Moldovan national history,is somehow not connected also to Romania,which it practically is a founding member of. I don't deny that Moldova has its own history or culture,but I just can't square the circle that they're not at all connected to Romania (which has more Moldova than actual Moldova now).

Also,people not familiar with the history of the region?I live next to the point where Romania,Moldova and Ukraine meet,I admit, Romanian education on our national history is a bag filled with shit spreading nonsense propaganda,but to say that Moldova,who literally speaks the same language,but with more Russian loanwords and an accent is not connected to Romanian is frankly hilariously ahistorical. Again,I will fully admit that this is my one China realpolitik take,by which I mean cozying up with the west is beneficial to Romanian national interests,I don't want the immiseration of Moldovans,far from it,but the idea that they'd be doing worse than small towns and villages in Romania already are I think is overblown.

Also,you can't sit there with a straight face and tell me Moldova has a future as an independent state.Either we get it or Russia does,and frankly I'm with my country's interest on this one.Not like the whole modus opperandi of the region wasn't shifting allegiances from way back to the Ottoman times.We take what we can from the west and then when they start looking less and less attractive as an option we go to the next power,which will most likely be Russia.

Again, let me reiterate,I do not condone the west's actions,but if Romania was not captured by the West,id be saying the same thing if it would engage in a tug of war with Russia over Moldova. I don't agree with the Soviet efforts to distance the Moldovan identify from the Romanian one,but it was done to liberate the territory from the Nazi aligned government,so it was ultimately beneficial.

Now,the USSR is gone and a capitalist Russia remains, so I'm not too inclined to attach a territory that is mostly populated by people way more culturally similar to Romania to the RF,just because we're in the pocket of the West for now.

Of course,if Moldova wants to take a chance at independence,let them,but they have no economic potential.

I'm really curious as to how this is any different from Belarus and Russia?Belarus is culturally distinct and yet it seems to be more and more integrated into Russia by the day. That's not a bad thing,is it? I agree that us being under the boot of the West will make this messy and cause a lot of pain,but you can't tell me Moldova is viable as a state.

What would you prefer?A "Moldovan federation" where Gagauzia and Pridniestrovie get to boss over Chisinau and Balti? That'd just be annexation by Russia in a different manner. I don't believe Russia taking over would necessarily be a bad thing,hell,if they do something with the region, godspeed to them,but I'd prefer it if we reunite as we are brotherly peoples.

Ok,let's say Romania wasn't under NATO,and Moldova wasn't under the thumb of the US. Would you be against unification if say,Dej's Romania unified with Moldova?

Also,I'm not campaigning or anything,I'm not cheering this on, basically I'm saying I wouldn't complain if they just happened to unite with us

I want my take on this one issue to be challenged,so I appreciate your comment,this is just my perspective and I will fully admit it most likely is deeply ingrained chauvinist brainworms,but I think this one is the hardest to budge on

[-] RomCom1989@hexbear.net 19 points 1 day ago

Moldovan referendum tomorrow https://www.npr.org/sections/the-picture-show/2024/10/18/g-s1-28762/photos-moldova-referendum-vote-russia-meddling

This might be a controversial take,but I'm frankly pro the west winning on this one

Moldova is in a tug of war between Russia and the EU at the moment,and it looks like both are going all out.

Now, obviously I don't support the EU or western interests expanding,but,and this may be chauvinist brainworms,I do believe Moldova's future,minus Transnistria is to be reunited with us. Either us or Russia, because as it stands it's really not viable as a state. Again,this is the only point where I believe Romania's interests should align with the west.If the EU project can limp along enough for us to practically reunite before it dies,I'd see that as a win.Either way maybe we can work out something like a Romanian-Moldovan Schengen since neither of us are getting in the actual one and pave the way for reunification.

Josephus Biden (hexbear.net)

Sry for poor crop,done on fone

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