With merz? don't think so, afd is much closer to them (and torching your party on first election is kinda wild, but idk what she thinks she is doing with their regional staff with cdu)
They find out he was the true president and can't serve the rest of his term
Scholtz is soft war candidate, he was making noises and resisting usa somewhat (and still not given missiles z-man craves). Pistorius, greens, cdu and fpd are all in the full z-man worship mode though. Spd might eat so much shit, they'll need greens to make them viable (if fpd implodes as expected). Or they take devil's bargain with afd, which is much more likely i think.
they trade(d) with cuba before trump, so that's nice as well
Why don't they do like normal irregular mining regulation, like here is an entrance, you pay us 10 %, we try to give you food and set up and airduct and waterline? If people are desperate enough at least do something humane (sell 10 % to libs as a win)
Oh, pistorius is even more shit, it's amazing what the germans managed to cook up with 5 semi-viable parties
spd will run with scholtz literally every single party is shit, real euro vibes