I have used darktable, but doesn't seem to fill your need as it is more a lightroom replacement than Photoshop https://www.darktable.org/
As far as photo librabry, you can compare the different solutions at https://github.com/meichthys/foss_photo_libraries
You definitely needs to calibrate your estep and flow rate as others mentioned. If numbers were correct then you might have a partial clog. If so, clean it and check Luke's hotend fix on thingiverse/printable (really worth it). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7tCxO17XZtw
Under extrusion aside, you can get better text details by using a smaller nozzle as one issue for the text clarity is line width, while it isn't ideal you can also try to set 0.30/0.35 line width with 0.4 nozzle.
Also, if you do plug in usb from your computer to printer (to calibrate estep), make sure to cover the 5v pin on usb cable with electrical tape. Otherwise you might wreck your printer mainboard. https://community.octoprint.org/t/put-tape-on-the-5v-pin-why-and-how/13574
Do also have a n100 processor running proxmox with 3 VM. Can't try right now but can come back in a few days to let you know how much power it draws
Think it depends the language, in french gpt is very very close to "j'ai pété" which means "I farted". But, yeah agree that Claude ain't much better name
I don't use matrix so cannot answer with precision but you can create an automation and use vacuum state as trigger (ex: from cleaning to dock) and use notify platform to send to matrix whatever message you want
"do we straight up invade.. like we did...." Do you know the mess that actually comes from there? And How much it had enforced extremist behaviour in other countries.
"What US needs to do?" Start by taking care of your own issues like guns, they will inevitably end up in dark market serving cartels and others, it would also stop massive killing happening in your own country at the same time... Priorities to education and healthcare, Stop invading countries (can't remember last US invasion which was actually useful...), start supporting smart guys instead of bad/extremist guys so they don't get more powerful (exemple: Masoud instead of Bin Laden in Afghanistan against Russia).
"finalement assez drôle" jusqu'au moment où on s'aperçoit que des connaissances le prennent sérieusement. Et là, ça devient déprimant.
Even if it looks well sealed, it still could be humidity and popping sound usually means wet filament. That being said, you didn't mentioned if it was pla/petg... Guessing it is pla due to the temp you are using but always best to mention it. Have you watched the print ? Did it actually change temp while printing? because between 190 and 220, there is usually more difference than what you have here, especially on the bridge part.
I think it is best to first print a temp tower then some retraction test where you would stick with same temperature and variates distance and speed. You can use tools here to make it simple. https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html
If after that, you still have stringing, best is to test a new spool (or dry your spool) as too much humidity in pla will give you stringing whatever settings you use
While turning down temperature might help as it will be less fluid, i tend to think that increasing retraction might give him other problems (unless is settings are really low). On pictures we only see stringing at the top where printing areas are very small which means much more retraction are needed. His issue could be related to maximum retraction count and/or minimum extrusion distance, when those numbers are reached, printer will not retract filament to protect grinding too much filament. Others parameters to look out are retraction speed and prime speed but since OP didn't share settings, no way to tell what he could try.
To OP, please share your printing settings.