Who cares? The Blizzard that anyone actually had any positive opinions on died years ago. All that's left now is a zombie corpse animated by the worst of capitalism.
Fuck Blizzard, let them die
Who cares? The Blizzard that anyone actually had any positive opinions on died years ago. All that's left now is a zombie corpse animated by the worst of capitalism.
Fuck Blizzard, let them die
Hot take, but with so many actual sexual assailants and literal pedophiles in the world, I will just never be able to give two shits about what Leo does or does not do with other legal consenting adults, sorry.
Forced Arbitration should absolutely be illegal. Here's an article on the topic if you've never thought about it before:
Human breast milk is the only naturally occurring food specifically designed for human consumption.
I'm waiting for somebody brave enough to promote the all-breast milk diet.
Fucking bonkers. Between this an McD's changing their ToS to say using their app waives any right to non-arbitration dispute, something needs to be done about companies trying to effectively write new laws into their ToS. This shit is beyond egregious
So what I'm reading is a truck driver can invite as many guests as they want to shower with them there, so long as none of those guests are also truck drivers.
Weird rules for the orgy shower, but who am I to judge?
This is just a quiet part out loud thing again. Remember, to most American evangelicals, anything less than a devotion to evangelical Christianity is satanism. It's a binary thing to them, so whether you're actually Jewish, or Hindu, or atheist, or whatever, it doesn't matter; if you aren't American evangelical Christian, then you are Satanist. I'm not being hyperbolic, this is a core tenet of American evangelical Christianity.
The sad thing is what they really miss is reasonable restrictions on industry and capitalism, a viable chance to support a family on a single full-time salary, and upward mobility, but rather than getting mad at the greedy capitalist assholes that have stolen these things from them, instead they let these exact same greedy assholes trick them into thinking that minorities and disempowered peoples are somehow the ones stifling progress.
The yearning for better days isn't inherently wrong, it's the conclusions they draw where they go astray.
Snapping half the life forms also snaps half of the world's gut bacteria. If we removed half of the gut bacteria from those who weren't snapped, that would be removing 75% of the universe's gut bacteria, not 50%.
Why are we infantilizing adults? Interpersonal relationships are complex and nuanced; we can acknowledge and even warn against the potential dangers of severe age-gap relationships without insulting the autonomy and choices of those involved. These neo-puritanical bullshit tendencies creeping in on the left needs to stop; it's a trojan horse for the next generation of conservatives. Reject non-nuanced conservative-bate thinking.
The inability to resize the Undertale window without using a third-party program like Sizer continues to be INFURIATING to me.
Undertale is a good game, but it just makes me so goddamn angry every time I open it to not have control over the sizing on my own goddamn monitor that I haven't been able to finish it.