Thanks, that doesnt fill me with a lot of hope, but thats why i have dual boot set up with linux (mint) as main os. Ill try wine regarfless before going to windows though
They dont own it, they just own seats at the foundation table and thats not even 50% of the seats :p
How well does a windows vm run in linux? Does it have hardware acceleration?
Asking because i need something to run photoshop and lightroom, which both need hardware acceleration :/
Finally, i can use this invention!
I will be honest, i am fully against tiktok and everything it stands for. It should burn in hell.
...However, the law the us passed to ban tiktok makes no sense whatsoever. At its core its as bad as china's grasp on a lot of markets. I believe a more correct way is to ban the practices tik tok does and ban it from federal devices. However, such a law needs more effort and would also get us-based companies in trouble.
But even then, its a way better solution to the problem
In principal, the change is good for reasons you mentioned. However microsoft has :
- bypassed any default screens in the past, allowing edge to be set default without user input.
- has added very annoying screens when changing default applications asking the user multiple times if they are sure.
- has added special protocols for applications and set edge as default browser to bypass default application settings in all office applications ( outlook, teams, word, ... ).
They just can not be trusted with this, they have proven this in the past...
Its from thinking of arch, isnt it
The person is doing a talk about it in hamburg, germany (37c3) next week. Its on my to watch list because that sounds hella interresting.
Edit : 37c3 list of talks :
When isnt he?
Report that to your country's privacy watchdog. That is not the law. After comfirming your identity they should remove it ( at least for eu citizens? )
True, i was using w10 + wsl until this week. With my new pc i want to switch to linux full time as i did with my laptop. Photoshop and lightroom are the only apps i have issues with atm ( office will follow... ) and dont want to go back to windows full time for them alone. Hence the dual boot in case i need them :p