What unholy abominations is this, Batman!?!
And move where?!
Whitewashing old photos with AI. Thanks. I'll just add this to the heap of things to worry about as I get older.
More like, 'Betrayal of the highest udder.' ...I'll see myself out... of the barn.
In case you weren't aware of JPMorgan Chase's history and their involvement in making World History.
Oh boy! What a rarity it is to see a The Expanse meme online. And one that is centered around billionaires?!
The irony is that there might have been a fair amount of replies to this, but people bailed on them. I guess we'll never know.
"Please know that as users, you are what makes this platform what it is, and damned we be if we ever forget it."
A lesson u/spez forgot.
Please don't give the crazy nuts of the internet misinformation. The amount of gullible people on the internet is too high as it is.
And it has a porpoise—a porpoise to kill.