One dead, seven injured according to the BBC.
And it worked. I just licked one. It tasted horrible.
Tomato :-)
The API changes. I use Sync, and not being able to use Sync made Reddit more or less unusable for me on my phone. I also fundamentally disagreed with the direction Reddit was going. So, Lemmy it was, and it's great. And now there's Sync for Lemmy, which is even better!
Because it'll make look Trump look heroic?
That was my first thought too, because Trump is a horrible, vicious fuckwit, but now I'm not so sure.
The photographer's job is to document what happened, and this does that. On a purely aesthetic/journalistic level this is a hell of a photo. I don't think it'd be right to delete it just because of how it might get used later, or by whom.
I hate, hate, HATE that MAGAs will make this iconic, don't get me wrong. But the photographer captured a major news event, while literally under fire (albeit the shooting had just stopped) and I think that deserves respect and recognition.
He can, because there's no law against it. Probably nobody thought there'd ever need to be!
Holy shit.
A space being rolls its eyes:
A horse that was wearing a curple,
Found the sting of a wasp made him hirple,
Said the horse, "I don't mind"
"But I'm starting to find,"
"That the spot of the sting has turned purple!"
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, chapter 10 is pretty rough, particularly this stark line:
"Slowly but surely, everybody in the house began to starve."
I read the book to my daughter a few years back and I'd forgotten quite how bleak things are before all the fun stuff that people remember.
Maybe it's personal preference, but I absolutely DESPISE companies who put this sort of cutesy, look how fun we are, but also very passive aggressive, bullshit on their communications.
This goes beyond mildly infuriating for me.
A pint. Preferably of a nice cold lager, but I'm open to suggestions.