figuring out the role of each person would be investigative journalism, and that's not allowed in the International Community(TM)
yes, unfortunately
every country is a dictatorship of one class over the others
are you telling me fascists believe that their Race(TM) is superior??? sounds like Russian propaganda
yeah, I'm fairly confident Ukraine would not have been able to do this, especially without Amerika's (and probably Germany's) knowledge
Trotsky should've made an icepick detector instead, am I right folks
Which ones? The Baltic states? Finland? The ungoverned part of Poland that would've been taken by Nazis otherwise?
- What exactly did the Soviets do that was "abhorrent"?
- The USSR was not an empire; to the best of my knowledge, the only territories it captured were those occupied by Nazis.
the subtitle is unironically An Experiment in Literary Investigation
"Surely this must be a serious scholastic work!"
-- arbitrary liberal, probably
the answer being "Vladimir Putin" instead of "Russia" or "the Russian government" is just peak liberalism
not very "free" if there are restrictions, is it
I can't believe Hitler beat Hitler, this is the end of democracy