It's a lot easier when there's nothing to be done, isn't it? There's no responsibility anymore. No call to action. Despair is simple. It doesn't require you to do anything, it only requires that you feel bad.
No one in Canada is asking to be your number one priority.
We just want you to get angry and do something about all of the problems being brought about the fascist dictator your country elected, instead of sitting around and wringing your hands about it.
If you guys can reign in Trump then Canada will be fine. But if you don't then we're all fucked, north and south of the border.
The difference is, you're the ones in a position to stop him. We're not.
Yes, but I'd rather they gave that money to any of the groups working to stem the US slide into fascism.
Sorry, but I'm a little sick of this performative "#NotAllYanks" bullshit coming from vaguely leftist Americans who want to reassure us that they're not all terrible people.
I'm sure the knowledge that some good Americans exist will make me feel so much better when US tanks roll into my town.
They're not doing this bullshit for us, they're doing it for themselves. We are under no obligation to humor their need to salve their guilty consciences.
But I recommend this thread as a better setup guide;
Thank you, I am fucking sick of people passing this comic around in relation to the Crowdstrike failure. Crowdstrike is a $90bn corporation, they're not some little guy doing a thankless task. They had all the resources and expertise required to avoid this happening, they just didn't give a shit. They want to move fast and break things, and that's exactly what they did.
This is a pretty weird move and I doubt it'll stick, but FWIW O'Hickey's really is a great little spot. Go on a weekend evening and enjoy some absolutely banging live music and a really great vibe. It's the kind of classic East Coast hangout where someone will start a round of Barrett's Privateers and everyone in the place will sing along.