Fictitious Capital
Also (trigger warning: sexual assault) I'm sure we're all going to be surprised to learn what Lipton middle-management has been up to in Kenya
Fictitious Capital
Also (trigger warning: sexual assault) I'm sure we're all going to be surprised to learn what Lipton middle-management has been up to in Kenya
You know those white kids who overzealously scream about white people with dreads? This is the tea they drink.
God damn. I do both those things...
Remember that Mr Beast campaign about planting trees that every YouTuber hopped on? I wonder what happened with that. I wonder how many trees were actually planted with care and not some shmuck throwing an acorn into the dirty.
Yeah but that's one teabag. It comes in a cardboard box with 200 of it's friends.
that also have this same design
cardboard box
i meant its 200 friends
What does the box look like though? If the brand is obvious from the box then I don't think it's a big deal if the packets inside only have a tiny brand logo. You already bought it and know what it is from the external packaging.
The greenwashing is almost certainly bullshit though I agree. Lipton was owed by Unilever until recently and even NATOpedia lists Unilever's crimes.
Also what kind of trees? Cocoa trees? Tea trees? On plantations? That you force the locals to work at as a form of "cheap" labour?
This is just so monstrous. I don't know what marketing executive came up with this idea of trying to greenwash their plantations like this, but they deserve to be hit by a bus. Absolutely soulless. This is the sort of thing that would be considered "too unrealistically cruel and inhumane" for a movie satirising how capitalism does exactly this sort of shit all the time.
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