Who signed the Manga Carta?
Spitfire Mk VIII
When was the papal decree to excommunicate Charles le magne passed?
Who signed the Manga Carta?
Spitfire Mk VIII
When was the papal decree to excommunicate Charles le magne passed?
I don't know that Manga, but then again, I'm not really a weeabo
Please don't edit your comment, the typo brightened my mood :)
It's... Uh... About girls in short school uniforms in tanks...and the girls are all very... Uh pretty in a, let's say, stimulating way, but it's not a problem because in reality they aren't underage girls but five thousand year old dragons. They usually fight for way over two seasons per fight and yell everything they are doing loudly.
Come on, you have to know that manga!
Girls und Panzer is an entirely wholesome experience and I won't let anyone disagree!
(there are no dragons though)
But there are needlessly sexualized underage people, yes? If not, why did the description make you think of that?
Because it's just... girls in tanks man, it's hard to forget. Insanely cute, and pretty funny at times.
Oh ok I thought that was an manga about young women who are actually anthropomorphic tanks... My bad.
Essay Response: With specific examples, explain the various ways African states responded to the spread of colonialism. How effective were these responses?
In 5 sentences, explain the specific mindset that lead to the Franco-prussian waron the Prussian side and explain how this mindset shaped the Prussian culture.
The Spitfire totally rocked World War II with its sleek design and superior agility, making it the ultimate aerial ace. Unlike the clunky Messerschmidt BF109, the Spitfire could outmaneuver its foes with ease, like a ninja in the sky. Its Rolls-Royce engine gave it the power to soar higher and faster, leaving the BF109 trailing in its wake. Plus, the Spitfire had style for days, with its iconic elliptical wings and badass British flair. When it comes to dogfights, the Spitfire was the undisputed champ, leaving the BF109 eating its dust every time.
(Don't @ me for this response, I had ChatGPT do it)
The Thirty Years' War didn’t have tanks in it so it’s not to be considered a war. I also like to bring to your attention, that I’m a mod at askhistorian. So if you don’t agree with me, you will get banned.
Dang, since leaving the other place you can only afford the one historian? A pity.
Fun fact: You know why WWII has been an incredibly prolific genre for history documentaries?
Hours and hours of public domain footage taken by the U.S. military. All of the Nazi footage is also public domain.
They make them because they're as cheap to make as you could make a history documentary. And people eat them up anyway.
TIL, I was somewhat wondering why there are SO many WWII documentaries
WW2 tanks and planes are cool as hell and interesting. The tank museum YouTube channel is amazing.
Other facets of history are really interesting too though.
When I was in high school, the history teacher you got was like winning the lottery. One teacher showed war movies and had “fun” assignments related to that movie. The other teacher had written assignments almost every class.
I got super lucky… He was a fantastic teacher. Last I heard, some students ratted on him and he had to change his curriculum.
What shitheads, fuck dem kids
in the west "history enthusiast" is simply the common euphemism for wehraboo. ask those people anything but military history (history of literature, architecture, philosophy etc) and they wont know shit. and even in their supposed field of expertise they will rather praise some stupid nazi wunderwaffen than to accept that the fascist menace rightfully lost.
we liberated europe from fascism and they will never forgive us for it.
Marshal Zhukov
They liberated it from fascism, and now they're fighting imperialist wars to bring it back!
Quite ironic, if you ask me.
That's the kind of history enthusiast I was as a kid, but I outgrew it. I still find the history or warfare interesting, but there are so many other facets of history that are equally fascinating and a lot more relevant to our lives today.
In high school I asked why tanks weren't such a thing in Vietnam. And my Vietnam veteran teacher worked it around to how Ho Chi Minh was ignored by everyone except the Russians after World War 1. Seeing how all the lines came together to make that happen and then make the Vietnam war feel almost as inevitable as it was forlorn really gave me a sense of history.
He was my math teacher. My history teacher literally put names and dates on a slide for us to copy.
American history classes are such shit. I thought I hated the topic til I was an adult.
History as it's taught in schools is awful. Even segments on WWII get reduced to nazis bad, holocaust bad, allies good then USSR went bad.
Okay so this really long time ago in Italy there was a war over a bucket
The U.S. and Britain once almost went to war over a pig that got shot for eating potatoes out of a garden.