On the other side, it sucks that it only ever happens for really big shit like literally genocide. Zoomers are going to burn themselves out on this. Which they should. But then they won't have the energy to keep fighting for the other stuff that we absolutely have to keep fighting for. And that sucks.
Maybe the zoomers will have more energy than I think. It's up to us to join them and help them so they don't burn out. Like all the other times this could be a start of something greater than it already is. But leftists have to get involved and be involved and stay involved otherwise this is just the run of the mill disorganized anti war protest and it will fizzle.
Anyway if you can get out there and support folks, do it. If you can't safely do that there are many many other ways to support. You can buy supplies, you can pick folks up from jail, you can paint signs, lots of ways to help without getting in the middle of it. If you aren't sure how to help find some local organizations that are involved and ask them.
I'm sure a few Hexbears are already out there. So stay safe comrades.