Tribes 2. Don't get me wrong. It's a great game, amazing even. But Tribes was a more focused experience.
I just want to agree. I got so repeatedly told Myst was great, and I just, didn't like it. I even mostly enjoyed Grim Fandango, and the Monkey Islands, because the humor mostly made up for some awful gameplay moments, but Myst I just didn't enjoy.
me when i find another thread to say Yakuza Like a Dragon is bad
I'd write up all about what I don't like about it if my lunch break wasn't about to end
I thought Yakuza 6 was pretty bad but it's a fucking gem in comparison to LAD
Also I just straight up didn't get Undertale. The whole thing was riffing on a genre I didn't really understand and i just ended up confused as to what the point they were going for was. The game might as well have been in Chinese for what I understood of it
What's the best Yakuza game in your opinion? I played the first a long time ago and liked it.
HZD. Got it as people were raving about how great it was and I thought the dinos seemed neat. Then got to the point where the game open up and how much of an arrow sponge the bigger ones are, tried to see if I was doing something wrong and then realised that it was actually intended. The combat is way too clunky for that to work for me.
The rest of the game also didn't make up for it, so I just dropped it after I went to the big city to see if there was anything there which would hook me.
Also played FF7 on the PC back in the day and it bores the shit out of me.
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
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