Heh. Catholic school survivor here: I thought if I peed into a toilet and mixed it with a girl's pee, a baby would be made in the sewer.
I was taught HIV was from gay people putting things in the wrong places. I always got scared about having to shower my butt and junk because it meant I was touching one after the other and I could carelessly give myself AIDS. They never taught me if it was the dick touching the poo or the poo touching the dick that would kill me,.so I never knew which to clean first.
Partly bad info from the 80s and 90s. My uncle had HIV/AIDs in thr late 80s-90s. He wanted us all to get together for one last Thanksgiving before he died, but my dad said it was too risky for us kids. My uncle passed before Christmas in 93. My dad regrets it to this day.
What's insane is so many adults still believe AIDS is from being gay. I mean it takes a seconds to reason that any man is more likely to spread AIDS because, you know, they're shooting a bunch of bodily fluids into someone else. But no, the virus can sense the homosexuality.
Just imagining sewer babies makes me laugh
Also "sewer babies" sounds line a good band name
This whole thread is a great origin story for tmnt
Sure, and if it touches a turtle then you get Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That's actually their origin story.
This does happen, where do you think the sewer dwellers come from?
Ontarian here. The joke is that Catholic high schools here have daycares in them because their sex Ed is non-existent.
It's so sad what parents and schools do to kids by withholding basic health info to keep them from being "promiscuous." I knew an older woman who told me when she got her first period that she didn't know what was happening and she was terrified. She didn't want to tell her parents, because they just didn't talk about body stuff, so she waded waist deep in a cold stream to try and stop the bleeding.
Fun fact, this is precisely why the first suicide hotline was implemented in the US.
A young girl killed herself because she got her first period and thought she had gotten an STD. She had no one to talk to and took her own life.
It’s story like this that make me viscerally angry at people who preach abstinence only sex education. You can’t just tell young people to ignore the changes happening to their bodies, it only leads to confusion, mistakes, and fear.
Actually, a small correction: the suicide hotline connected to the story is from the UK, not the USA.
It was actually one of the first crisis hotlines not just in the UK, but also in the world. It was founded in 1953 and the organization's name is the Samaritans. It was also founded by a priest!
You can look this info up on Wikipedia.
I’ve met that kind of priest. Good folks, they understand that their job is mostly just to help people and that the religious part is window dressing to that.
Must've been heavy petting.
For a day in primary school I believed girls could get pregnant by touching them because DNA was transferred to touching skin
That was thanks to badly designed primary school sex-ed videos that they made us watch in primary school that avoided mentioning the adult things
When I was in school and we were doing sex ed one of the girls put up her hand and said, my sister does this. Which all the teachers look sort of awkward about. Later on I learnt that her sister was a prostitute and so, yeah, it was a relevant comment.
Sort of awkward though that are 13-year-old is aware of it
My first partner said oral sex could cause pregnancy. I JUST WANTED TO PUT THEM IN MY MOUTH BUT THEY WOULDN’T RELENT
hand stuff was fine though I guess
If it's any consolation, when they finally learnt the truth they probably looked back at those moments with tremendous regret.
That’s fair. I JUST WANTED TO DO THE THING aaaaaaaaaaa
It's rare, but pregnancy has been known to be caused by 'heavy petting'.
The vet said my dog needed to lose weight, and now I've got a child, so there's your evidence.
I actually thought that too when I was little. That if you weren't pregnant you were on your period. Not by the time I got mine though.
Okay i get it, but how do you not know that your period ends, but know that if it does it could be because of pregnancy
Who the everloving fuck has a thought like this and goes onto Twitter to post it at 5:20 in the morning?
You're missing the point of the message, like many here.
She doesn't specify when this happened. Maybe when she was 13? So, still a kid in school.
And what a school: A fucking Catholic school who put bullshit in her head. Like "if you touch boys, you'll get pregnant!!!!!!"
That's what she is saying: That religious schools are bullshit.
She points out it was her first period, so yes, a child, a brainwashed-by-religious-idiots child.
The average c/WTF enjoyer