This goes beyond cable management into cable BDSM
Cable micromanagement
This will appeal to a very niche audience, but excellent wordplay!
Explanation: >!In romanized letters, this spells Pishibari.The Pishi part means "PC". Shibari in Japanese is essentially artistic BDSM, where the subject is tied up with aesthetic knots.!<
That explains the weird boner
Damnit, I forgot one cable.
Have fun replacing whatever the fuck this is.
All you have to do is to buy a new pc, easy.
Just type :q
smh my head
Oops need to add one more wire
The Tech Centipede
Techy peed? Every time I go the restroom.
Behold, Cable Centipede!
T-800 Spinal Column, Prototype I
That's the slave cable.
Can't wait until a hard drive fails.
I mean just replace it... Its gonna be the same size and have the same Connectors.
The is kind of an H.R. Giger vibe to this.
That looks kind of like a spine. With horrific scoliosis
I guess this is the backbone.
Have fun rewiring that...
You might have a bug
Is this the cable management monster?
Waste of plastic.
Raise of the zip lord
For things that are "hmmm".
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.